Chapter 1: Tired of Fighting

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Rictofen had just glitched the zombie into the corner as he stumbled back into the dusty living room that the others were resting in. Takeo was cleaning his blade while Nikolai was looking down his bottle as he had apparently run out of vodka again while Dempsey looked to be asleep sitting up in his chair.

Vell I haf finally gotten ze zombie in ze corner. Rictofen said as he slumped down in a chair exhausted. What will we do now? Nikolai Asked body and bottle going limp in the chair. I suppose we rest for a while and soon I will try to fix the Teleporter. Sounds good to me you two go scavenge once your strength has returned... I'll watch over our American friend. Said Takeo as he finished cleaning his blade and re-holstered it.

Usually Tank dreamed about murder and killing zombies as that's all he really did lately. In fact he, Takeo, and Nikolai couldn't remember much before all the zombies. Rictofen kept them in the dark and what they did know wasn't enough to base anything on but that's getting off topic. Tonight Tanks dream was about his pre-WWII days.

A little girl blew out the candles for her birthday and she then smiled at a much younger looking Dempsey. How old are you now Abigail? He asked smiling back. She held up her hand and said 5 before giggling to herself. He gave a warm but sad smile. He would miss her and her cheery antics but duty calls. After fighting in WWI he had gained quite a reputation as the best soldier in the entire US army and now that WWII began the US government called him and asked him to come back. As the wind softly blew the army recruit was standing behind him next to a car looking bored waiting for him to get in.

Abigail's smile fell as she realized he was leaving. No don't go please don't go! She said tears threatening to fall from her face. He knelt down next to her and hugged her tight as she started to bawl her eyes out. As soon as she calmed down a little he held her in front of him and told her. I'm doing this so you and everyone else can be safe. It's not like I'm not coming back, once I do you can have all the birthdays you want ok? She was still steadily crying but she shook her head and he went to go leave with the man.

No don't go! She said as she wrapped her arms around his leg before he got in the car. Just then his wife came out of the house and tried to get Abigail off of him. Please Mrs. Briarton restrain your child we have a deadline to meet. The man said still sounding rather bored. "That's my wife your talking to Ass..." he started but then was cut off by the man. May I remind you that as of now your on active duty and I can contact people to have you court martialed. He said with a smug look on his face.

Dempsey calmed down and climbed in the back seat and looked through the rear window to see his wife cradling a crying Abigail. Dempsey awoke with a jump making Takeo jump slightly too and be alert. Dempsey what is wrong? Takeo Asked. Dempsey cradled his head before answering. I think I remembered something. He said with confusion and hope in his voice. Takeo just looked at his unlikely friend.  Neither him nor Nikolai remembered much from before the zombies but at least he remembered his family and his home Dempsey barely remembered anything save for bits and pieces.

I have a 5 year old daughter. He said almost to himself. What's her name? Takeo asked with genuine interest. Abigail Briarton

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