The Camping Trip

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Peter was excited. He and Mr. Stark were going on a camping trip with Pepper and May. Pepper and May had both dropped out last minute, because Peter had asked them to. He was finally going to tell Mr. Stark what he had found out recently: they were related. Mr. Stark was his dad. May had to work overtime at the hospital, and Pepper had to be at a very important business meeting in Guatemala. Peter had Tony to himself for the weekend.

They were currently in the car, yelling the words to a new country song and using a pack of gum as a microphone that they passed back and forth. When the song finally finished, both boys laughed and caught their breath. Tony flipped open the pack of gum and pulled out two sticks, popping one into his mouth and offering Peter the other.

"Want one?"

"Sure." Peter plucked the piece of gum from Tony's hand. He tossed it in the air and caught it in his mouth. He took one bite and his face went blank. His jaw fell open and the gum fell into his lap. He slowly turned to Tony.

"What the fuck was that." It was not a question, but rather a statement. Tony answered anyway.


"What kind?"


"Dude. Peppermint?! I'm a FRICKIN' SPIDER!"

"Oh my god, kid I'm so sorry!"

"Nah, I'm fine. It's just . . . weird. It kinda makes me wanna curl up in a ball on the ceiling. Or hide in Clint's vent nest. He has this giant blanket nest in the vents, and he lets me sit in it whenever I'm getting sensory overload. There's chocolate and video games and comic books and he even started keeping a pair of noise canceling headphones there for me."

"That's awesome, kid. Remind me to thank him when we get home."

"Sir, I will remind you to thank Mr. Barton when you arrive at your home." Informed FRIDAY from the speakers - she seemed to be everywhere now.

After a while more of taking about their teammates and singing along to random songs on the radio, they finally arrived at the campground. It was a site Peter had visited a lot as a kid, but hadn't gone to in years. Deerpark KOA has always been a favorite of his parents. He and Mr. Stark and rented a two room cabin for the weekend.

Peter had talked to MJ and they had decided it would be best for Peter to tell Mr. Stark about the whole father-son thing on about the middle of the trip.

When Peter saw there was a jumping pillow across the road from their cabin, he chucked his bags in the door and ran for it. When Tony saw what he was running towards, he threw his bags inside too. They both kicked off their shoes and played on the huge air pocket.

After a while Peter was laughing so hard and exerting himself so much that he started wheezing. Tony made him get off, going full concerned dad mode. Peter explained that he had always had mild asthma, but it had lessened even more after he got powers. He only had attacks every once in a while.

Once Tony had been thoroughly assured that Peter would not die of a minor asthma attack, they decided to start a campfire, as it was getting dark. Peter was going to tell him just before bed.

They started a fire easily with Peter's Boy Scout expertise. They roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and had a feast.

Finally, Tony said, "we're gonna go to bed in five minutes, so make your last marshmallow."

Peter put a marshmallow on his stick and rested his hand on his knee, the stick jutting out over the fire. Not looking up from his marshmallow, he whispered, "Tony?"

"Yeah, kid?"

"The other day in science, we were doing blood tests, and it got me thinking. So, after school, I went in to Dr. Banner's lab and did some tests. I tested myself against my mother's DNA from a bit of her hair off an old comb, and it was a match. Then . . . I tested my DNA against Richard's. It wasn't a match. Not even a little bit. Which means . . . he's not my dad. So I tested my DNA against some others, and it turns out . . . you're my dad, Mr. Stark."

Tony was silent. Peter had shifted to look him in the eyes, but Tony just stared at the fire, he eyes darting about in the flames. After a while of opening and closing his mouth, he finally managed to force some sound out.

"Pete . . . your marshmallow is on fire."

Peter looked down at the fire, and his marshmallow was, in fact, on fire. "Shit!" He swore and retracted it from the flames. He blew out the fire and pulled it off onto some graham crackers and chocolate. He nibbled the edge of his s'more as Tony continued to stare at the fire, contemplating.

"C'mon, Mr. Stark, say something! I'm dyin' over here!"

"Kid . . . honestly? I'm kinda glad. It's really not that different of a relationship than we've already had, and now if you wanna release this to media, people'll quit askin' why you spend so much time at the tower. The only question is: who do you want to know?"

"Well, the only people who know so far are May, Pepper, and MJ. I wanna tell the other Avengers first, then Ned, then the media."

"Alright. I can't believe this trip is almost over already! We're so busy that we have to leave at eight tomorrow morning! We have an Avengers meeting at four, so we can tell them then, and then a press conference at seven, so try to get in contact with that Ned kid in between then. 'Kay?"


-time skip-

Peter woke up groggy. He rolled off his bed and groaned when he hit the floor. Pushing himself up, he saw his dad already packing.

"Mornin', dad," he grinned.

"Ugh, I feel so old!"

Peter giggled and started packing his own possessions.

-time skip again-

Peter and Tony sat around with the Avengers before their official conference. The others still thought Peter was an intern, and Peter and Tony had come up with a lovely way to remedy that. Peter waited til no one was watching him, then he crawled up the wall and over the ceiling to the center of the room. Then he let go with his hands and dangled down in front of everyone, silencing them.

"Hey, guys."

"Wha-" Steve started, but Bucky cut him off.

"How the heck are you doing that?"

"I'm Spider-Man."

"WHAT?!" Was the chorus around the room.

"Tony! You let us fight a kid?!" Sam exclaimed.

"Oh my god, I dropped a shipping container on him, oh my god," Steve mumbled to himself.

"My gosh, I didn't mean to hit you so hard, kid!" Exclaimed Scott.

Peter himself just pulled back up to the ceiling, putting his hands over his ears. He was getting sensory overload. He made direct eye contact with Clint. Clint nodded slightly, and Peter crawled over to the vent. He navigated then easily and found the nest. He shoved on his headphones because he could still hear the echoes of them fighting from there. He unwrapped a chocolate bar and waited for Clint to come get him for the meeting.

Soon, Clint's head popped into Peter's line of vision and he pulled off his headphones.

"Kid, it's time for the meeting."

Peter followed Clint through the vents to the door to the meeting. Clint went right in and Tony met Peter outside.

"Ready, dad?"

Tony grinned.

"Let's give 'em hell, Petie."

Do you guys want a part two of this one?

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