Field Trip

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Peter was like, 98.142 percent sure he was gonna die. Seriously. Crawl into someone's ear, lay eggs, and die.

His class was taking a field trip to Stark Tower. His dad's Tower. Sure, his legal guardian is his aunt, but that doesn't mean Tony isn't actually his biological dad. Peter just really, really didn't want anyone to know. He tried to find his dad between when he found out about the trip and when they went on the trip, but Tony just conveniently became inaccessible for a few days. May wouldn't let him stay home, and sent him to school with a signed permission slip, his suit on under his clothes, and his Stark phone with all the Avengers' numbers and then some.

The kids in his class loaded up the bus. When a bunch of kids swarmed a cardboard box, Peter realized why his spidey senses had been going off just a little, and what he had forgotten: lunch. He sighed and texted Tony.

Petie: Dad! I forgot to pack a lunch for the field trip! We're getting on the bus!

Tonie: dont worry squirt. ill send wanda down during lunch cause shes the least conspicuous and she can bring you a lunch. stop being so forgetful, pete

Petie: I'm so sorry dad! I won't do it again, I promise!

He sat against a window, frustrated with himself for forgetting his headphones, and listening to Ned ramble about whatever new science movie he'd watched last night and whether or not they'd get to meet Dr. Banner. Sadly, his trance was soon broken.

"Hey, Penis Parker! Now we'll finally get to see that your little 'internship' is fake! No way you know Tony Stark!"

"Leave me alone, Flash." Peter mumbled weakly. He was not in the mood. Flash and his buddies just laughed and walked away, taking their seats in the back of the bus.

When they arrived, Peter rushed ahead and got to Happy, their tour guide, before anyone else.

"Happy," he whispered, "I have my security badge but I want a guest one. Please."

Happy just nodded in response. Everyone else got there and they handed out guest badges. Peter was at the end of the line, and when they got to him, Happy looked guilty.

"Sorry, Pete, we're out of badges. This class is bigger than the ones we usually get. Could you just use your badge?"

Peter mumbled agreement and got at the back of the line again. A couple kids jumped when the first kid scanned their badge and FRIDAY announced, "Guest. Level 1: No clearance without higher level badge."

Everyone went, FRIDAY repeating the same thing each time. Finally the line reached Peter. He silently scanned his personal badge.

"Welcome back, Peter. Level 10: full clearance. Mr. Stark is in a meeting right now, would you like me to alert him that you have arrived?"

"It's okay, FRIDAY, you don't have to." Peter murmured as all the class stared at him. He kinda wished FRIDAY hadn't announced the 'full clearance' part, but he was just happy she hadn't said his full name: Peter Stark. Everyone at school still knew him as Peter Parker.

Happy started leading them around. Peter was honestly bored most of the time, except when they got a tour of Spider-Man's lab.

"We have been given special permission by Spider-Man himself to see his lab, and if any of you touch anything, the building will go into lockdown and whoever touched something will be escorted out of the building."

Peter knew this was BS. Not the last part, that happened often, but the whole 'permission from Spider-Man' part. He had given no such permission.

Everyone looked around, amazed, at all of Peter's projects. Peter just stood in the back of the lab and smiled to himself. Even filled with other people, his lab was still his second (third?) home. Always would be.

Finally they moved on to lunch. They ended up eating in the lawn outside, and Peter texted Wanda to ask her to come bring his lunch. A few minutes later she walked out of the building and a girl choked.

"You-you're Scarlet Witch!" She exclaimed.

Wanda did not acknowledge her. She walked straight to Peter and knelt next to him.

"Here's your lunch, Petie," she handed him the paper bag and ruffled his hair. "Try not to forget something important like, oh I don't know, food next time, 'kay bud?"

"'Kay. Thanks Wan."

She smiled and ruffled his hair again, then walked back to the building. Peter uncomfortably opened his lunch as everyone stared at him for the second time of the day.

When everyone finished, they headed back inside. They did a quick tour of Bruce's lab and got to talk to him a bit, then they moved to Tony's conference room. Tony was already there when they got there. They were doing a question and answer for the rest of the trip. Tony did a quick spiel then opened up for questions. Of course, Flash's was the first hand in the air.

"Do you offer an internship program to high school students?"

"No," Tony's answer came immediately. "We only offer internships to college students and undergrads."

"Ha! I knew you were lying, Penis Parker!"

"Excuse me?" Tony's voice became low and dangerous. Flash visibly paled. "Peter, come here." Knowing better than to argue with his dad in this state, he stood up and joined him at the front of the room. "FRIDAY, full personnel report."

"For Peter, boss?"


"Peter Stark. Sixteen years old. Parents: Tony Stark and Mary Parker. Friends: Edward 'Ned' Leeds and Michelle 'MJ' Jones. Personal AI: Karen. Health Status: healing broken rib from recent beat-up from a Eugene 'Flash' Thompson. Also Goes By: Pete, Petie, and Spider-Man."

The class gave a collective gasp when FRIDAY had finished. Not only had it been revealed that he was a Stark, but also that Flash had broken his rib and that he was Spider-Man.

Peter groaned and spoke to his earpiece. "Karen, is there any chance dad is gonna let me leave, like, right now?"

"0% chance, Mr. Stark."

Tony began speaking again. "Does any one of you know who this 'Flash' is?"

Flash immediately lied, of course. "It's him!" He cried, pointing at Ned.

Tony turned to Peter, ignoring Flash. Peter, understanding, pointed out Flash.

Tony looked the kid dead in the eyes.

"Leave. My. Son. Alone. Never speak to him again, never touch him again. Always remember: I have Black Widow on my side. Class dismissed." The last bit was directed to the entire room. "Mr. Connel? I'm keeping Peter."

Mr. Connel just nodded. The class made a lot of noise all scrambling to leave the room with angry Iron Man. Finally Tony looked back to where Peter had been, only to find him gone. He panicked for a moment before he saw Peter clinging to the ceiling in the corner, curled into a ball with his hands over his ears. Instantly, he snapped into action.

"FRIDAY, Karen, activate Sensory Overload protocol."

Both AIs harmoniously responded, "yes, boss. Sensory Overload protocol activated."

He couldn't hear it, but he knew Karen was whispering to Peter through the earpiece in a voice only he could hear, easing him down from the ceiling. Meanwhile, FRIDAY was fetching Peter's noise canceling headphones. He handed the headphones to Peter noiselessly and Peter put them on while walking towards his room. Tony ask Karen to tell him when Peter was ready to talk. Soon, she was telling him Peter was asking for him.

He rushed into Peter's room. They talked small talk for a while, then Tony asked, "so, on a scale of one to ten, one being you dropped your ice cream, and ten being the literal end of the world, how big of a disaster was today?"

"Honestly, they found out about Flash, they found out I'm a Stark, they found out I'm Spider-Man. I'd say about an eight."

"Not bad. Want me to get Bucky over here? He always makes you feel better."

"Yes please!" Peter smiled up at Tony and Tony knew that he hadn't done anything wrong. He's just protected his kid.

His son.

His Peter.

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