204 5 2

Level of violence. XD.

(A/N art in this chapter does not belong to me. All credit goes to original artists/ owner.)

'Midoriya thinking'
"Midoriya speaking"
"Him speaking"
'Him thinking'
"Kami speaking"
"Dabi speaking"
"Shigaraki speaking"
'Shigaraki thinking'



I had just gotten away from bakubitch and izythot. I was looking for Kami- the creator of our tracker ear rings , when they found me. I went into a nearby man hole and used the wig Izu-chan forced on me 5 chapters over. I then used the underground sewage system to navigate my self back to the alley bakuhoe found me in.

'Hopefully those 2 idiots get together. I want the effort put into pushing Todoroki to be worth it.'

Making sure the 2 bastards had left I exited through another man hole into the alley. I went towards the dead end and knocked it 7 times. The door opened to reveal a young man who looked around 19 yrs of age.


The young man sighed. "Let me guess. You want me to use the earings to find out where he is"


"Fine... I checked right after I saw the news. According to the tracker, he's at the LOV's base." I could feel my eyes widen. I dashed towards the exit of the alley.

'no no no no NO! This cannot be happening. What was all of this for?
I swore I would protect him. I swore it. I did everything I could. I even created a f#cking company that could protect him if I couldn't. God f#cking dammit I'm a moron. I was so caught up in enjoying myself, I forgot about those assholes. Now they have him. Now their gonna do to him what they did to me. Why? Because of my carelessness. F#ck this is the one thing I was trying to avoid. I better get there fast before anymore damage can be done '

Le time skip brought to you by the yellow Caterpillar Aizawa finally evolving into a butterfly

Handy dandy mans POV

'We have finally got him. It was hard with all the security and attention Midoriya got but we managed to get him. His brains and knowledge was a key factor to the league.Now we were one step closer to defeating allmight and creating equatily for villains and abused civilians alike.'

"Hey~ Tomu~"

"What is it Dabs~" I hummed in a surprisingly calm manner as he put his arms on my shoulders and leaned his weight into me.

"Your in a surprisingly good mood~ "
He whispered in my ear as his head rested on my shoulder.

"It saddens to think I'm not the one causing it" he pouted adorably cause me to chuckle and pet his soft, fluffy jet black hair.

"You know I love you more than anything or anyone in this entire world. I'm just happy we are one step closer to being accepted by society. Then we can finally get married properly and have a family." I turned around to see Dabs blushing so hard, its was prominent even with his scars.

"Hey you lov birds, get over here! He's waking up" I heard Toga call. I felt a rush of heat on my cheeks all the way up to my ears when I thought about the nick name she used on us.

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