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(A/N art in this chapter does not belong to me. All credit goes to original artists/ owner.)

A/N Info about some characters after

'Midoriya thinking'
"Midoriya speaking"
"Him speaking"
'Him thinking'
"Dabi speaking"
"Shigaraki speaking"


Time skip brought to you by allmight
Using 'HOPES AND DREAMS' as his deodorant

Green bunny's POV.

'Finally.  Today's the day I get to see him again'

My time at Frankenstein's, though hectic was enjoyable and was sadly coming to a close. Through the sadness was impatience and longing to be with him.

'Just few hours more and I'll get to see him. God I miss him, his mesmerizing smiles, his silly comebacks, his sassy, sexy yet cute personality and....his eyes. Those crimson fiery eyes that lit up my world and saved m-'

Nobody's POV

Izuku's head fell limp as he was knocked unconscious. A man, in his twenties, stared at the greenette with a creepy smile making it's way onto his face.

"Should I call kurogiri?" His accomplice, a man at the cockpit asked.
"Yes" the smiling man replied while slowly scratching his neck.

"You really should stop doing that Tenko, it's not good for you" his accomplice said, worry slightly lacing his voice.
The man, now dubbed Tenko, sighed "fine. I'll stop. Now don't take that tone with me, it freaks me out. Plus, its Kurogiri's job to worry. Not yours"



I had just come back from collecting a new batch of blood. It was 2am in the morning.

'Izu-chan should be back in a few hours. God, I want to see him. His, adorable blush when he gets flustered, his angelic smile and those bright green eyes that shine like a thousand stars. God,I love him so much.'

My thoughts where cut off as I found myself at the back of the manor. skillfully I jump and land into our room on the 3rd floor. Going into the bathroom, I find myself staring at a already drawn bath.

'Bessy, I see your as sharp as ever'

After having a wash, I changed into one of Izu's over-sized shirts and went to bed feeling empty without him by my side.

Le time skip to brought to you by opening your curtains after 24+ hours of anime/fanfics or turning on your phone at 2am.

"Sir, I'm afraid there's been an emergency. "

I sprung up from my bed.
"what happened?"
'For Bessy to consider this an emergency, it must be serious'

"Please do not panic sir, but it seems the other sir has gone missing. "


"We are using all our forces and connections to find him. There seems to be a possibility of it being a kidnapping"
I took a deep breath and calmed myself
'Panicking will get us no where '

"What of the press?"

"They managed to find out sir is missing and its currently on most of the headlines."


"They will be coming in an hour to search the place and to question the employees. Many heroes have joined in the search, including Allmight, Mount Lady and even Nezu."

"Hmm... email me a report of what happened tonight. I want you to act as the vice president of the company in my stead. Keep all the basements locked and hide the elevator leading to them. I'm going to go pack my things, I can't let them see me."

"Right away sir."

I went to the 1st basement, taking a duffel bag with me. Packing weapons like knives, guns, grenades, bombs and poisons, I went and packed a more complex version of a first aid kit I kept incase of emergencies into the bag. I grabbed my signature twin katana's, and twin guns with my utility belt.
I went up to our room and changed into a pure white shirt, a obsidian vest with black dress pants and a red tie. I hid knives in my sleeves, battered red sneakers, utility belt and vest. Hiding one of my red and green twin guns in my vest and strapping the other under my pants, I pulled on a pair of black gloves. Putting a wad of cash into a black backpack along with a change of clothes, a phone charger and a multi plug, I went and opened the window.

"Sir, I have booked you a room in one of our smaller inns downtown."

"Thank you Bessy. I assume you hid the elevator?"
"Yes sir."

"Please take care of the company while I'm away. If any issues come up email me. Im going to chase a lead. Also make sure to keep this window open, I might come in to get a few things."

"Yes sir..."
I was about to jump out of the window
"And sir-"


"Do be careful."

"Of course" I chuckled. "Who do you think I am?"

I felt a rush of adrenaline as I landed outside.

'Where ever you are Izu, I will find you'


Sorry 4 the short chapter.

I wanted to say a few things about the characters.

17 yrs old.
Absolute genius.
Knows Uraraka and gang cause he graduated from the UA support course early.
He DID NOT go through the whole ' take a swan dive off the roof' thing but was still bullied by katsuki which stopped once he made his 1st invention.

20yrs old.
Quirk= heal - heals himself or other no matter how severe the health issue is. Drawback - the bigger the wound, the longer it takes to heal.
Silver hair that's tied in a low pony tail. Gold rimmed glasses and has dark skin. Wears a butler uniform. Very skilled in various things including fighting using cutlery, disguise, healing, and negotiating .
Izuku's and 'His's butler. Very loyal and one of the few people 'He' trusts.
'HE' and Izuku saved his life when they brought him at a underground slave market run by the villains who kidnapped him, 2 and a half years ago.

17yrs old.
High IQ???
Good at combat and handling weapons.
Red eyes, pale eyes, slightly muscular, freckles, same hight as izuku.



1012 words

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