1.9K 39 15

(A/N art in this chapter does not belong to me. All credit goes to original artists/ owner.)

Him "speaking "
Uraraka "speaking"
NTM "speaking "
NTW and Steve "speaking"
Midoriya "speaking" / "speaking"
Fanboy A "speaking"

•<this is a dot.___________________________

Uraraka's POV


I ask, my breath hitched.
"Why?.... ha..ha.hahahahahah" he laughed clutching his stomach.
"My God.. " he wheezes. "Y-ha-you should see the look on your face-hahaha"
He continued, hitting and rolling on the floor. He got up shakily, taking deep breaths after his episode.
"As to the question 'why' ..." he paused.

"That's for me to know and you to find out"

he said childishly, bringing shivers down my spine.
"Nighty, night U-RA-RA-KACHAN~" was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

_______________________<this is a line.

Nobody's POV


Nameless TV lady:
...And once again Izuku Midoriya has stunned the world with his breath taking and stunning invention.

Nameless TV man:
I heard this time he created a machine that can reduce the effect of global warming.

Nameless TV lady:
You heard right. The XYZ340, or for short, BOB , was created with the goal of reducing the effects of global warming. In this age of quirks, heroes and villains people haven't had time to analyse the effects we have on nature.

Nameless TV man:
Is it true that Midoriya is only in his teenage year's ?

Nameless TV lady:
Yes. Midoriya is only 17yrs of age. His first invention was made public when he was 14 and he has created 7 of the worlds world's astounding creation's since.

Nameless TV man:
He must have a amazing quirk to be able to do all that.

Nameless TV lady:
That we do not know as Midoriya has not made anything related to his quirk public.

Nameless TV man:
But what we do know is that it's time for a commercial break

Commercial break brought to u by PRESENT MIC screaming 'YEA!'and whispering 'i love aizawa' afterwards, causing AIZAWA to wack him with a newspaper while blushing tremendously.

Nameless TV man:
Welcome back to BKB NEWS

Nameless TV lady:
Midoriya has just agreed to make a public statement about his new invention, BOB. On sight we have everyone's favourite, Steve. Over to you steve

TV switches to the scene at the statement.

Thanks nameless TV lady.
So I'm here, 10 minutes away from the set time that Midoriya said his statement would be made.
There are many people here, ranging from his fans who make up majority of the people here today,

TV shows a crowd of girls and boys ranging from all ages holding banners, t-shirts and other Midoriya merchandise, screaming words such as 'we love Midoriya'

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