The Problem With Borrowing Hoodies.

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~Dan's POV~

Alex had only been gone for twenty minutes and I was already bored. I hadn't realised how much her presence filled a room until she wasn't there.

"Weren't you supposed to record today?" Phil asked, stirring his coffee.

I groaned and sunk into the couch.

"But me and Alex are going to a movie." I moaned at Phil like he was my dad who had just told me I was grounded.

"S'up to you." Phil murmmered as he took a mouthful of coffee. "You could always just do a liveshow?"

I thought about it for a second. The plan was to record a week earlier than when I usually do to surprise the danosaurs, but I guessed I could always just record next week.

"Okay, I'll do that."

I took my laptop and got it set up in my room after social-networking about it, and was surprised to see the thousands of people arrive quickly.

*                     *                    *                    *                        *

"Charlotte asks, who is Alex?" I laughed at managing to avoid the question for so long.

"Alex," I fixed my hair, "Is a friend from high school who I recently met up with and tweeted about."

The chat exploded with questions, mainly about our relationship status.

"Okay okay, calm down everyone." I sighed.

Somehow I managed to get the show back on track and was answering a question about SITC dates, when someone knocked on the door.

That might be Alex, I thought. But how do I get it when I'm doing a liveshow?

"I'm gonna go get the door." I said goodbye and shut the window down.

I smiled all the way to the front door, probably looking like an idiot. As I opened it and heard Alex crying, my smile quickly dissapeared and I felt sick.

"Come in." I wrapped an arm around her and led her inside.

We sat on the couch as I rubbed her back and she explained what had upset her so much. After she had explained what her family had said, I felt rage surge through me.

"It's okay." I murmmered as she hugged into my chest. I stroked her hair as her crying slowed down, then faded into sniffles and hiccups.

"You can stay with us if you want?" I asked quietly.

She looked up at me with teary eyes full of hope.

"R-Really?" She stammered. "Are you sure Phil wouldn't mind?"

"Phil?" I shouted. "Is it okay if Alex stays with us for a little while?"

"Yeah." Phil shouted back. Me and Alex just looked at each other and laughed.

"Okay," I rubbed her shoulder, "Operation make Alex feel better is under way!"

~Alex's POV~

When Phil agreed that I could stay with them for a while, I instantly felt better. Dan had that influence on me, like whenever I was with him I was automatically happier.

Then Dan introduced Operation: Make Alex Feel Better, and I felt as if I had never been upset that night.

"Do you want to go see the film or should we stay in?" Dan asked, absentmindedly playing with a strand of my hair.

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