Those Big Ass Trees

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Nick's POV

Holy crap. Holy shit. I hope you guys know about my obsession with this. I literally have the cosplay for Levi, the poster of him, and I just. I have a giant obsession with Levi. Or Ereri. I smiled evilly at the thought. I could tell they were already tell how close they were. Just a little push, that is all it would take.

We landed next to them, just far enough so that they would not hit us with their horses. 

"We need your help," Ash told them, slowly straighten her back like a badass.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm your shit batman, we just need them for a small time," I said, slightly pushing her and putting my wings away. She glared at me and did the same. The scouting regiment was staring at us in shock and we just smiled like little kids.

"Who the hell are you?" I heard a voice call. I turned around. It was Levi. In his english voice. I only saw the japanese version becasue of netfilix, but haaaaa. I can't even right now.

I started fangirling, and both Ash and I fell to the floor twitching. Levi and the rest of them were looking at us if we were insane which we are. Jamie sighed and rolled his eyes, but I could see he was trying to contain his smile. Oh god what did we do to him? 

"Mr. Levi, we need your assistance. Our home is being attacked and we can't keep up our efforts. They are starting to get in, and we need more support," Jamie told him. Levi was still a bit shocked, but came off his horse. I could tell that EJ was jealous when Jamie was smiling at him, but that immediately disappeared when he saw his height.

He leaned over to me and whispered, "that's the guy you were all excited for? He looks like he should be singing ding dong the witch is dead." I hit him on the shoulder and told him to shut up. When he kept up with the jokes, I tackled him, Ash following in suit.

Levi looked at us, shook his head and kept walking to Jamie. I saw Jamie take in a sharp breath.

"Listen brat, I don't know what you are trying to pull but we are on a mission, we need you to move out of the way," he ordered. Jamie's face darkened and he grabbed Levi, the rest of the squad jumping to attention. 

"Listen here, 'captain' my friends are going insane, and we are about to be broken down. My family and friends will be killed and tortured, not just eaten. Burned and cut, pushed to insanity before being killed. So you should stop whatever you are trying to pull," he mocked dropping him to the ground. Damn.

"Will you help us if we show you that we are not pulling anything?" I asked him. He nodded and I pulled my goggles over my head.

"Whoa! Nick, your not gonna.." Ash started.

"Yep," I called before I transformed in a cloud of smoke. Levi stood still, but his eyes showed that he was shocked and scared. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. 

Please help usI called in his head. he jumped back and everybody attacked me, but I was too fast and vanished behind Jamie. I transformed back.

"Alright," he answered.

"One more thing, we used up too much energy coming here, so we may not be able to go back for a day or two," Jamie told us, his voice dripping with fake guilt. Levi glared at us.

"We were about to go on a mission to get some land back, so I don't know what to do with you for now," he said.

"Let us come with! we can help you!" I yelled. He looked shocked, but he agreed, because of what I assumed was fear if we didn't get accepted. I climbed onto a horse and rode out of the wall with Ash and Jamie by my side.

Book 4 in Jumper Series "High Up" a Attack on Titan yaoi boy x boy fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora