What are they.

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Many moons ago two brothers lived in peace alongside one another. Until one day a woman stumbled upon there home deep in the woods. Her beauty was breathtaking and both men fell in love instantly. She herself felt the same deep love for both the brothers. For years they lived happily, side by side. They shared a love for one another equally. Until one day the woman had to leave, knowing it would break their hearts she snuck away when the moon was full and bright. When the men awoke the blamed one another for her leaving. The brothers fell into hate and anger and could not learn to live in peace with one another once again. Soon there hate grew so much that one of the brothers took a knife and tried to kill the other. What the men didn't know was that the woman was the moon goddess, and although she had left she never stopped watching over them. As she watched them fight night after night and saw there anger grow her heart began to break more and more each day. Then when she saw the brothers try and kill one another she could no longer stay away. Her anger was mighty and her punishment was brutal. She damned both the brother to live immortal lives, as the greatest of enemies. One being a wolf, he would shift during the full moon. Having no control of his animal side, doomed to kill any one he would be close to. The other would roam the earth as a vampire. Drinking the blood of the ones he loved and to never see the sun again.

The story although brief had my head spinning. There were werewolves and vampires, and they were immortal.

The brothers fled to the farthest corners of the earth hoping to out run the curse the goddess had put on them. No amount of running could change what they were. The werewolf prayed for her forgiveness day and night, but the vampire was bitter and cursed the goddesses name. After hundreds of years the goddess felt guilt over her punishment. As the brothers wandered the earth alone too afraid to get close to anyone. She blessed them with soulmates, one that would love them unconditionally no matter there trespasses. The werewolf found that he would not be alone forever, he found his mate. He could still have a family but they too would be cursed. They would shift during the full moon, be faster and stronger than humans. They would also be immortal like him, stop ageing once they reached adulthood. The loneliness grew to much for the man so he did have children, starting the lycanthrope race. The vampire was not blessed with a soulmate, but he could bite another making him what he is. Once this brother found out the great blessings the goddess had given his brother. Blessing him with a love and a family he grew angrier. Determined to kill his brother, his jealousy grew so he made an army. Starting the great war between the werewolves and the vampires. A war that would only end with the deth of the other.

The words sank deep into my soul, this was my life now. Soon adrian told me to put the book down so we could get lunch. With promises of coming back so I could finish my book. After stuffing my face we finally got to go back. Adrian informed me that around two-hundred people lived in the castle, mostly the alphas family and the guard. Questioning what "the guard" was, lead him on a great tangent about the small army the Blue Moon pack had acquired over the years reached beyond the men I saw at the castle. The alpha ruled over most of europe and russia and that required a lot of power to do so. The men at the castle were just his closes and most trusted soldiers. Which then placed Adrian as head of his guard and personal guard to the alpha. So this told me that my man was the biggest, baddest, and strongest man in the room, not that I was into scary guys but that was kind of hot.      

When we got back to his office I snuggled back into the couch. Determined to make a perminate butt print in this spot. Adrian informed me he needed to attend a few meetings and to not leave my spot. "Not a chance", I winked at him. He placed a kiss on my forehead as he left the office, hearing a click when the door closed. Did he just lock me in? He did say that wolves are possessive. I couldn't stop reading, the rest of the book telling me more about the werewolf race. One of the chapters was titled " Mates". I turned to that one first.        

Mates are soul bonded from the beginning. The goddess and has designed and picked the perfect mate for each wolf. The mate bond can be sensed between two wolves once maturity has occurred, usually around the age of 18. Males will grow more possessive and dominant toward there females. This includes being to close or touching other males.  The bond can be felt through touch and smell. To bond with your mate you must mark them, this process involves biting or "marking" your made at the base of their neck and shoulder. This is a physical bond to one another, changing the smell you give off to let other males know you are mated. The mark also had a mental effect. Mates will be able to sense and feel each others emotions. Once a female has been marked she will go through her heat when the full moon rises. During a female's heat she is ready to sexually mate and ready to have pups. If one does not have intercourse during her heat the pain she will suffer will be intense. Symptomes include, increased body temperature, intense abdominal cramping, hallucinations, and lose of mental capacity. Male wolves will go through a period of intense possessiveness. He will do anything including kill any one who keeps him from his mate. These symptoms will continue and progress in severity over time. Could potentially lead to death in females females and insanity in males.

All this information was beginning to be Overwhelming and the lack of sleep was catching up to me. I needed to close my eyes for a minute.

The minute turned into an impromptu nap when colors danced behind my eyes. I was once again back in a forest with evergreens that looked to be as old as the earth. The strong breeze made the tops sway violently almost to the point they might rip from the ground. My attention shifted when the grey wolf's breath fanned across mine. This time the wolf looked angry, like he could snap any second. He bared his teeth, the sharp canines would rip through my skin if he wanted it. I tried to step back but the snow was so deep I fell down on my ass instead. My hands catching me from completely falling. The ice biting into my fingers making pain shoot through my hands. Currently the snow was not my number one problem. The wolf stood over me snapping his jaws while saliva dripped from his teeth. Just as suddenly as the wolf had appeared he whipped his head around and took off running. Soon the white scenery swallowed the image of the wolf.

Rocking, my body felt like it was on a ship letting the waves move it. My mind started to wake up again, feeling warmth spread through out my body. The warmth became arms under my knees and behind my back. I was being held. My eyes finally opened to find myself in Adrian's arms. My feet were not touching the ground. I was being carried down a dark hallway.
"Where are we, what are you doing?"
Adrian grunted like it was obvious. O yea I had fallen asleep in his office. I guess I slept longer than I thought. I wiggled trying to get out of his arms. He tightened his hold. I think he forgot I was capable of walking.
"My wolf needs you close right now. The full moon is tomorrow and he gets a little restless".
His wolf? He was talking like it was a separate thing. My silence must have given my confusion away because he began to explain.
"The werewolf side of us is apart of us but also a separate being. They live inside and when we shift there primal instincts take over the logical human side. We are aware of this. And over the years we learn to control and balance the both of them. But ever since I found you my wolf has been fighting to get out and meet you. I would let him but he is not like other wolfs".
I raised an eyebrow at this, that sounded suspicious. Hoping he would answer the unspoken question but he stayed quiet. When we reached his room I thought I was going to be set down. To my dismay he kept holding me. Opening the door, walking across the room and into the bathroom. Then he placed me on my feet.
"We both need a shower".he winked at me.
The air sucked out of my lungs. "Wait! I need to ask you something". He stopped mid stride to the shower and turned on his heels. Not happy with me interrupting his mission to get me naked. He slowly made his way back to me.
"What is it Moya kroshka". He lowered his head to kiss my jaw. Momentarily distracting me, my head tipped back enjoying the sensation.
"I want to see you shift". This statement made him paused and leaned back. All I got was a raised eyebrow. He turned around walking to the closet I hadn't noticed. Going inside he changed into a robe and came back to me grabbing my hand.
"Why are you wearing a robe?". His silent chuckle could be seen in the rise and fall of his shoulders. I guess that was my answer.

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