Chapter 16

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"What the hell are you doing here?" Ichimatsu took a few steps forward, his left leg barely brushing against my right as he stood next to me. The fake Osomatsu partially stood up from the bow with a cocky grin, his hand dropping a few inches.

"I merely wish to ask your little sister for a dance."

"I thought you said that you didn't care about 'family business', yet here you are surrounded by them," Ichimatsu narrowed his eyes, and I could see my three older brothers flinch from across the room to look in our direction.

"I don't and I know that you all are very protective of (y/n), now that she's back with you for the night. I merely want to--" The pause he made seemed to be uncertain, "--show that I mean no harm for tonight, and you five can relax."

Ichimatsu looked back at Jyushimatsu before giving a small sigh and taking a step away from me, "Fine, but we'll be keeping an eye on you, Akumatsu."

"Of course," 'Akumatsu' stepped in to take my hand before walking me towards the outskirts of the room, where the lighting was dim but you could still hear the music. My confusion was apparent, but he motioned for me to put down the plate that was still in my hand on the chair seat nearby.

"Who are you, and how do you know my name?" I instantly asked after putting the plate down, quickly turning back to look at the man. His eyes were a dark red, now slightly narrowed after he listened to my question.

"I see they haven't told you anything," He took my hand and put his free hand on my waist, starting to lead me in a dance in time with the music, "You could say that...I'm all of the negative aspects of your brothers put into one man."

"What, so there's a 'good' version of them walking around with their face, too?" I slightly scoffed, resisting the temptation to roll my eyes.

"No," He smiled and leaned close to my ear, "I killed him."

A sudden chill ran up my spine as the man straightened up and pulled me along to a dance I didn't know the steps to. Despite me tripping over myself, his strong grip kept me standing up. I didn't know what to do and tried to look around for any of my brothers, but the dance had me in a whirlwind of confusion.

"I was the one who shot you during your performance, too. The look on your face was enticing, to say the least," The confession made me look at him, shock written all over it, "Yes, just like that. But I'm not here to shed more blood. I'm not on the clock for anything concerning you. I only wanted to spend a little time with my 'sister', just like my other brothers. A man can only get so jealous," He continued, never breaking eye contact with me.

"...stop..." I muttered, tearing my gaze away from his hypnotic dark red hues, "Please stop."

"Stop what?" He pulled my right hand high above my head and tugged on my waist, sending me into a spin that I couldn't control, "I'm enjoying myself here, and I thought that you'd appreciate the truth coming from me, rather than it being exaggerated by your brothers."

The room suddenly halted with me facing someone's chest, their arms around my back and my face nearly planted in their sternum. I squeezed my eyes shut and wrapped my arms around their back, feeling the familiar gun holsters underneath his suit jacket. A sound of disapproval came from behind me as I was pulled from the dance.

"Akumatsu, I think you've had more than enough time," Karamatsu's voice caused a rumbling within his chest.

"That was the shortest dance I've ever had, then," I heard Akumatsu scoff a little, "I apologize if I overstepped any boundaries that I didn't know about, but I guess I'll have to be satisfied with the time we've had, (y/n)," The sound of footsteps walking away signaled Akumatsu's exit and I glanced up at Karamatsu, who had a stern look in his eyes as he watched the other man leave.

Dancing in a Cage (Mafia!Brothers and Sister!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now