Chapter 15

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Todomatsu cringed as he climbed into the backseat of the Rolls-Royce, nearly gagging at the obvious display of wealth Atsushi had. The man didn't seem to notice the sudden growth spurt his wife had, his gaze fixed to his phone for the entire drive back to the Kanemochi mansion -- not talking, touching, or making any advances on '(y/n)' for the whole ride. It was a pleasant change from the constant pestering that would've happened in the Matsuno car if the eldest became drunk.

The wig Todomatsu was wearing had started to itch like crazy when the car finally stopped in front of the mansion, Atsushi leaving without offering '(y/n)' a hand out of the car. Keeping his irritation hidden for now, Todomatsu gritted his teeth and left the car, gently closing the door behind him after ensuring that the dress was clear. He didn't take off the small mask until he made his way safely into (y/n)'s room, quickly ripping the dress off and throwing it into the closet, ultimately replacing it with the oversized gray shirt (y/n) loved to wear and tugging on a pair of loose sweatpants.

Carefully taking off the bobby pins that held the wig in place, he gave his hair a ruffle before realigning the wig back on. A sigh escaped his lips as he finally gave the bedroom a good look around, recognizing the windows from the picture that she had sent when she first arrived. Noticing that the violin case wasn't in her bedroom, Todomatsu could only imagine that (y/n) spent most of her time wherever she had procured as her private music room, and began to wander the halls -- both looking for the room and to take in as much information as he could about the layout of the mansion.


As the night began to creep closer towards midnight, I caught my breath after a long-winded dance with a very rowdy female dressed like a peacock and wearing a matching mask. She apologized with a large grin underneath the laced-up mask, and left me to sit by the food table while I heaved a sigh.

"You've been busy," Osomatsu leaned on the back of the chair, his index finger poking the top of my head.

"As have you," I countered as I pointed at the right side of my white collar. I heard him look down and groan, finally noticing the bright red lipstick smudge on his own collar that's been there for over an hour. I laughed a little and turned around to face him, "You're never gonna find a girlfriend or a wife that way."

"I'll never let you have a proper husband," He countered with his trademark smirk.

"A little too late," I wiggled my ring finger at him, despite the wedding band tucked safely away in the breast pocket of the suit jacket.

"I said 'proper'. The man you're with isn't what I'd call 'husband material'."

"Osomatsu, you're needed by Choromatsu," Ichimatsu called out as he ate some of the tuna dip from the table spread. A scoff sounded from the eldest as he made his way towards the green- and blue-clad brothers talking with a few other people.

"It seems that this event is less of a celebration, and more of a cover for several meetings," I took the short glass of fruit punch that Ichimatsu held out to me as he took Osomatsu's place behind my chair.

"That's all it is, and all it will ever be. Several families come here, but the only people that seem to enjoy it as a party are the guests or those who have no dealings with the families here," Ichimatsu took a sip from his own cup, "But I'm glad that we were able to let you have some fun from the dull life at the Kanemochi mansion."

"Yeah...but I'm still worried about Todomatsu. What if Atsushi tries to make a move on him?" I swallowed some of the drink.

"You're welcome to worry, but nothing will come of it. Totty can take care of himself, and is more than willing to deal with Atsushi."

"That's true," Jyushimatsu came over with a plate full of food, lowering it to my level. I slowly took it, only nodding in response. Once his hand was free from the plate, he placed it on my shoulder and gave a soft squeeze, "You just have to enjoy yourself here. That was his only wish while he's dealing with business."

"I can try," I looked down at the plate to see several of my favorite snacks that I never noticed throughout the night. I quickly turned to look at Jyushimatsu standing next to Ichimatsu and saw him give me his true smile. The smile quickly faded, though, as he seemed to make eye contact with someone behind me, both Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu becoming tense. I turned to face whatever they were looking at and recognized the Osomatsu from the rehearsal audience -- the same one I saw before I was shot.

No, he wasn't Osomatsu, but someone who looked just like him. I was never told of a seventh brother, but the man who was walking towards us was definitely dangerous. He stopped a few feet away and bowed before reaching out his hand with the palm up, as if asking for a dance.

"(Y/n), I'd be honored."

Dancing in a Cage (Mafia!Brothers and Sister!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now