uke denki kaminari x seme male hitman reader

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Hust finnished watching unfriended dark web and i wanted to make something that involved the dark web.

You've known kaminari for a long time now, keeping your secret of course. You two had been together for around 7 months now yet, no one knew that you, Y/n L/n are a hitman on the dark web. That is until today.

Your pov.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I yell at my boss. We had just got a call from someone wanting a hitman. They decided to hire me, offering 300,000 yen for the job. I got the job description and look at it.

I knew the boy when we were younger, he hated ne because my quirk was stronger than his

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I knew the boy when we were younger, he hated ne because my quirk was stronger than his. My quirk was called wolf. Its a transformation quirk that allows me to transform into an actual wolf, large than other wolves as well, or at least i used to be able to transform. (This of the wolves from Twilight, about that size) my quirk also allows me to assume the traits and strenghts of a wolf. Jacobs quirk was called dog, much weaker and smaller than my ability. He could assume the traits and strenghts of any type of dog breed. Of course both of our quirks have its limits. He despised me due to the strength of my quirk, and wanted me dead, but someone wanted him dead, making it my chance to get revenge.
"Hey y/n didn't this kid end up taking some of your abilities?" One of my circle members asks. I nod my head.
"Oh yeah, that fuckers gonna die, so what method? Should i kill him there or bring him here for a red room?" I ask aloud.
"RED ROOM!" i hear most of them say.
"Red room it is." I say grabbing a tranquilizer injection. I pack a capture bag and change into a dark outfit. It was dark out due ti a nightime thunderstorm, perfect thunder as well. I put on my outfit and put in a green eye contact and a yellow eye contact.

I grab my keys and walk out

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I grab my keys and walk out. "I'll be back soon, i should only be about 15 minutes." I say. One of the curcle members hands me an address.
"It's the location of your target." He says. I nod my head and walk out the door. I walk to my car and start it, leaving the headlights off. One of my wolf traits was nightvision, so i didnt need headlights. It made it so nuch easier that my car was a black one. I plug the adress into a gps and begin my journey. It was only about 5 minutes away. I make it there and go to an unlocked window. I open it and slip inside. I use my wolf silence, making it so that i am compleatly silent when walking. I make my way up ti his bedroom ti find him passed out with a beer bottle in hand. He didnt even make it to the bed.
"Pathetic." I mutter. I accidentally step on a creaky floor board, waking Jacob. I quickly grab the tranq and inject him with it, knocking him unconscious. I throw him over my shoulder and bring him to my car. I put him in the trunk and begin driving back to the hideout. I call my boss to tell him i got the target.
"Hello?" He greets.
"Hey boss, can you set up a red room, ill be there in 5." I say. He makes a confimed sound and i hang up. I come to a red light and stop. I look around and notice someone in particular.
"Hey Y/n!" I hear a familiar voice. I look to my left to see my boyfriend Kaminari.
"Shit, this is bad." I mutter. "Hey babe, I'm kind of busy right now, but i frop by in a bit ok." I say out the window. He shoots me a thumbs up and we part ways. I make it back ang park my car in the garage. I get the knocked out Jacob and take him into the red room that the boss set up. It had a bunch of different torture devices, and a dentist chair woth restraints just for the torture.
"Is the camera on?" I ask it. I get a bunch of replies that say, who's the next victim, yea its on, what kind of method is today. I smile and welcolm everyone currently in the red room chat. "Hello everyone whos here so far, boy do i have a show for you, i say holding Jacob by the hair. I pick him up and set him in the chair, restraining him tightly and iniecting him with an adrenalin injection. He wakes up in a gasp.
"W-what the hell? Where am I? Who the hell are you!?" He asks frantically. I smirk underneath my mask.
"Ok, our victim is now up! What should we do first?" I ask the camera. The replies were displayed on a wall infront of Jacob, making it so that he cpuld see what was going to be done to him.

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