Chapter 13

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"Ugh, gross. Two boys, no way!" Said Stacy from across the circle, they were currently playing spin the bottle with 7 minutes in heaven and Will had just spun Mike.

Earlier that day-----------

"Okay guys, I'm only gonna say this once so pay attention." said a tall guy in the middle of the basketball court wearing a coach uniform and a TON of hairspray. "My name's Steve and I'm gonna teach you little shits how to play basketball."

"He's Mr. Martian's son." Said Mike walking up to will on the court

"That explains a lot." Said Will laughing slightly

"Okay, so you have the Ball which you bounce down the court like this." He said dribbling the ball near his feet and about about half hour later full of terrible explanations they were divided up into two teams and dribbling the ball themselves.

"Will!" Screamed Troy passing him the ball roughly, Will looked around trying to find someone to pass it too before he made a fool of himself. but then he saw Mike. lets just say it was too late for that, Will completely froze, watching Mike like he was the only thing in the world. Well that didn't end so well, some super tall guy tore the ball out of Will's hands knocking him over on to the hot concrete of the court.

"Bloody Faggot." He yelled at Will spitting on the ground next to him before dribbling off. Will closed his eyes, letting his body relax onto the warm concrete near the side of the court. He was so tired of that word, he thought that this camp might be a small escape from it, since nobody here actually knew what he was. But now that secret was out now, all for the boy he had fallen in love with, all for Mike.

"Will? Are you alright?" Asked Mike helping him up in one swift motion

"Yeah, I'm fine." Said Will dusting off his shirt "Can we go somewhere else, it's almost dinner anyway."

"Yeah, anything you want willy will." Said Mike following Will away from the basket ball courts. "Hey, I heard that some people are meeting in the supply shed. They told me someone got beer and Pizza."

"Really!? are you joking?" Said Will, Mike couldn't tell if he was exited or mad "We have to go!"

"Cool! they should be there already!" Said Mike grabbing Will's hand and rushing toward the supply shed.

As they got closer they could hear all the sounds of a party, loud music, laughter and the sound of bad decisions. Thank god that the supply shed was far away from the rest of camp or else they would have gotten caught for sure. Will followed Mike through the door of the shed and into the small party, there were tons of pizza boxes, some empty some full, about 5 six-packs of Zima lying random places around the shed and 11 drunk teenagers of all genders.

"Ahh look who joined the party!" Shouted a Red head from the other side of the room

"Welcome young padowans." Said a curly haired boy wearing a red, white and blue cap on the left side of the room.

"You're just in time for spin the bottle." Said some tall girl walking up to them "Luckily."

"Anyway, I'm Max, that's Lucas, that's dustin, that's stacy." she went on introducing every member of the club until we all stopped listening and she stopped caring.

"Okay, so the rules are whoever you spin has to go in the closet with you for 7 minutes, the rest is up to you two." Said Stacy eyeing Mike "I'll go first!"

Stacy spun the empty Zima bottle, the neck of it teasing everyone in the small circle seated on the ground. It spun for about 30 seconds before it landed on Dustin, she silently cursed herself before walking into the closet with him and slamming the door. 7 minutes later they came out, Stacy's makeup and hair were all messed up and dustin came out with a huge smile and what looked like a boner. After that Max went, she spun lucas and they were in that closet for a lot more than 7 minutes but nobody really cared, they could all see how much they liked each other.
Next went some guy in an orange T-shirt who spun stacy, who seemed quite happy about it. Next went Dustin who spun some girl with short blonde hair and bangs, and then it was Will's turn. He gulped and looked down at the Zima bottle somewhat wishing it would just disappear. and a minute later he took the bottle with shaking hands and spun it, he closed his eyes tight until he heard the terrible sound of the bottle stopping. He slowly opened his eyes and stared straight down the neck of the bottle, straight to Mike.

"Ugh, gross. Two boys, no way!" Stacy said grabbing the bottle

"No, it's fine Stacy." Said Mike standing up and opening the closet door, waiting for Will.

Will slowly got up and walked what seemed like a mile into the closet, he waited there staring at the ground until he heard the click of the door closing shut. Will slowly looked up at Mike's beautiful face, the face he had fallen in love with and before he could say anything Mike's lips were already on his. Will ran his hands through Mike's curly hair kissing him like it's all he ever wanted to do, he could feel Mike's hands moving up his back, and grabbing onto his camp polo shirt. Will pressed his chest against Mike's so he could feel his heartbeat. Will pulled away for a minute

"Mike I have to tell you something." Said Will

"Me too." Said Mike staring down at him

"I lo-" Started Will staring at the ground

"I have a Girlfriend"

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