Chapter 7

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The sun was shining through the cracks of the woodshed, Bill was lying on the table next to Eddie. It felt good to have the warmth of Bill next to him.
"What the fuck happened last night?"
"Wuh-what?" Asked Bill half asleep "Oh g-good morning Eddo."
"Morning baby Bill." said Eddie rolling over to look at him, they just stayed there, looking at eachother for a while "I think I'm falling in love with you Bill."
"sh-shit breakfast stared 10 minutes ago" said Bill getting up acting like Eddie hadn't said anything at all. Eddie sat up too and started to pull on his sweatpants and t shirt
"yeah, right." said Eddie following Bill out, they walked to breakfast in silence.

"Heyyyyy, Spaghetti head!" shouted Richie when they walked in
"Hey trashmouth." eddie said sitting down across from him, Bill went and sat with his other friends, and that girl he was making out with at the lake. at this point Eddie really didn't care, he just wanted to dissapear.
"Whats wrong buddy?" asked Richie.
"I don't wanna talk about it." said Eddie coldly
"C'mon Eds, its just me." nagged Richie
"I said I didn't wanna talk about it, ok?!" said Eddie getting up and walking out of the dining hall. he went to the lookout point, as always. He just wished he could fly away into the clear sky, get out of here.
"You're really making a habit of that arn't you" said a calm voice from behind him "Storming out I mean." Eddie turned around to see a skinny kid with curly hair staring at him
"Yeah." Eddie said laughing lightly and wiping tears away from his face
"What happened?" standing next to Eddie
"Nothing." Said Eddie not taking his glance away from the canyon "sorry, you are?"
"Stan." He said calmly
"Just stan?" asked eddie laughing a bit
"Just stan." Stan said smiling at Eddie "But let me guess, boyfriend troubles?"
"Yeah, its pretty rough." Said Eddie looking back out at the camp

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