C1- First day of shool

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Elizabeth's p.o.v

"Ooohhhh sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah

I get a feeling that I never never never never new I ha-"

( good feeling - flo rida )

I cut the song off short as I jumped out of bed.

I grabbed my toothbrush making sure to clean my teeth thoroughly. I then ran out and grabbed my favourite pink jumper that was pretty over sized and a pair of black leggings, I put a light pink bandanna on by wrapping it around my head and making a bow a little to the side on the top of my head. I had put my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head as well. Bandannas and converse were my thing I preferred to wear for comfort not for style

"are you up yet Elizabeth?" My mum called down the hall.

"Yes thanks mom" I replied making sure my bed was made. I tend to like my room being clean, it's a habit of my'n that my room must always be clean.

I was about to run out the door to start walking to school when I realised I hadn't had breakfast so I made toast while I grabbed my my school bag. I pulled toast out of the toaster and covered it in vegemite and butter.

"Bye mum see you after school" I said as I ran out the door and grabbed my skateboard

It took me 10 minutes to get to school which was good It meant I had 5 minutes to walk to my first class which was our pastoral care groups ( tutor groups if you like ). The grounds looked small, definitely not as big as my old school. The grounds consisted of grass and a hall to the right of the school. There were classrooms scattered at the back of the school, including science rooms, art rooms, technology rooms and computer labs. It wasn't as bad as mom had told me. I walked past many kids as I found my way to my classroom.

I walked in trying to not make a scene sitting down next to a small girl with blonde hair.

"My names Katie, you must be new what's your name?" She told me smiling a little.

" my names Elizabeth, you can call me Lizbeth if you like?" I replied a little unsure wether she wanted to call me Lizbeth

"sure, Lizbeth it is" she smiled and turned back to the teacher who was now marking the role.

I was near the end because my last name was wood. Lastly she said wood and I replied with a ''yes''

The teacher handed us all our timetables I didn't seem to have any classes with Katie but I was sure I would make other friends. The timetable seemed to only have 2 classes class a A class B. I was in class B and I was hopping I would make friends in my class.

It was my first class and Katie showed me to my classroom, classroom 6c. My teacher was Mrs wright she had a huge smile and a face the size of a watermelon! The teacher let us sit where we liked, most people knew each other so I sat with two girls who don't seem to know anyone either. The names of the girls were Liv and kiara, Liv was beautiful with chocolate brown eyes and and dark hair tied into a braid hitting mid way down her back.

Kiara was different though with blonde hair that was in a low pony tail that came about 4 inches past her shoulders. The class ended and I then had technology, art and then maths with kiara an Liv.

It was now lunch and we sat down I had to go to the canteen to buy a wrap and a bottle of water. I was waiting In The line when a guy I front me smiled and asked "hey would you like to go in font of me?"

I smiled at him and tried declining "no I'm fine thanks"

"No please do" he insisted

"alright if you insist" I smiled and took the spot I front of him. I looked back at him and saw he had blonde hair and a green shirt, he was also wearing a blue hat. He seemed nice and had a pretty cute smile.

"sorry I didn't catch your name" he grinned

"eliz-" I began to rethink my decision "ahh... no you can call me Lizabeth" I smiled only my friends called me that but he seemed nice enough.

"I like your name it suits you, my names indie" he spoke

I turned around and asked for my order.

I sat back with liv and kiara. We began talking to each other about our likes and dislikes.

They both found out I was a carefree person that was pretty confident but liked to be neat.

Kiara is a little bit shy and has a fear of frogs.

But Liv liked dogs and moved from another town about a month ago to be able to go to this school.

After lunch we had science. My teacher was really loud his name was mr slam. He set us a work sheet about safety in the science labs.

"Ding ding ding" the bell rang

Everyone cleared out of the class room and I grabbed my skateboard out of my locker and rode home.

When I got home my dad greeted me "hey Lizbeth how was school?"

"Yeah it wasn't too bad" I smiled and walked down to my room ones planning on doing my homework later seeing I wasn't bothered now, so I room a shower and got I to my pyjamas.

What felt like a half hour seemed to be a lot longer. Dinner was ready and my parents started asking many questions about my new school. My mums green eyes stare into my'n as I answered questions.

"you look tired why don't you go brush your teeth and get into bed?" my dad said plainly

"Uhh yeah sure" I yawned

I jumped into bed hoping to see indie again in class.

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