Autumn's Proposal

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            Rusty and Autumn were approaching the meeting spot for the team, discussing the little counseling session that Rusty and Jackson had. Least to say, Autumn didn't seem all that amused. "Let me get this straight." Autumn said, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "You go in there, talk about only yourself, and you don't even apologize? After all you've done?"

"Fuck Autumn, I don't know how these things work!" Rusty angrily replied. "And I was trying to save the apology for when everyone was there... so it means something."

Autumn sighs and glares at him. "Ruben, I want us all to get along. I want the others to give you a chance. But honestly, sometimes you're an idiot."

"The hell is that supposed to mean doe boy?! I thought you'd have my back in this." Rusty softly growls.

"I do." Autumn simply states. "That's why I'm being so adamant about this. Jackson is a good leader, but you're manipulating him with your excuses. You're apologizing today, to everyone, and we're going into the TV for a little trust exercise."

"I didn't say that I wasn't going to..." Before Rusty could finish, Autumn interrupts him.

"Excuses Ruben. I thought I could let you two sort this out but it's clear that it won't be sorted out right when Jackson's too kind hearted to see through your excuses." Autumn says sternly, continuing to the meeting point.

"I ain't trying to manipulate him!" Rusty snaps. "I don't want... to be the vindictive bastard that I am."

"Then we stop you from doing it instinctively." Autumn says simply. The two soon arrive where the rest of the group were. Jackson and Zill seemed to have been in a little debate about something with Kayla being the mediator.

"Well... look who it is." Zill remarks, glaring at Rusty.

"Zill, leave him be. I think..." Jackson started to say but Autumn cut off any sort of argument they were having before.

"Speaking of which, Ruben would like to say something. To each of you." Autumn let Rusty step forward before letting him speak.

Rusty took a deep breath to collect himself. "To each of you guys, I'm sorry." He would begin saying. "I've been doing nothing but hurting you guys, through all the years we've known each other and I've been making up excuses for how I was. I'm sorry to Jackson who I've pretty much tortured for most of his life, knowing full well what he was going though. I'm sorry to you guys as well for just being a general pain in your ass and hurting your best friend. I ain't deserving of Jack's kindness or any chances you guys give me. But, at least know that I am sorry."

The others sat silently for a moment, looking between each other, before Zill would speak. "It's a start Rusty. Just don't abuse this chance that we're all giving you. You may have fought your Shadow and got a Persona, but I don't think you're one of us just yet."

"Please try to understand this Rusty, we want things to be ok, but with everything that's been done, we need to look after Jackson first and foremost." Kayla says simply. "And as of right now, you don't have that good of a track record with him."

"I getcha..." Rusty sighs but gives a little nod. "You guys saved my life, and I just want to return the favor. And, to do this for Autumn." Rusty looks up to Autumn. "You suffered enough with Camilla's loss. I may have been an ass, but I don't wish that on anyone else."

"Thank you, Ruben." Autumn says, giving a small smile to him, but going back to business. "Jackson here said some big Shadow has appeared back in Kayla's little division of the TV world. I believe that dealing with it would help a little trust exercise I have planned."

"How did you find out about that anyway Jackson?" Zill asks. "Just out of curiosity."

"I uh..." Jackson rubs the back of his neck. "The... girl wearing blue that helps me keep track of my personas and make new ones told me about it? And she's offering a reward if we beat it?"

Everyone sat there for a moment looking at Jackson before simply nodding or shrugging. "To be honest, with all that's happened, not the craziest thing that I've heard." Zill says. "But uh, you gonna introduce us sometime?"

"They said that they'd want to tour Safe Haven sometime, so you guys could try meeting them then." Jackson says. "But uhm... what exactly is this trust exercise going to entail?"

"Simple. Me, Zill, and Kayla will be relegated to support roles while both you and Rusty try to build on your trust by fighting together." Autumn began explaining. "If you need healing, or some sort of buff, we will have you covered. But we have to relegate the fighting mostly to you two if we want this to work."

"And if the shadow has a specific weakness we'd try to exploit?" Jackson asks, a bit nervous.

"You have to figure that out together, either you use your personas or try to knock them down with the guns you guys use. Or whatever physical based attacks you both have." Autumn continues. "If it is an emergency though, or the Shadow somehow nullifies your attacks, we will step in on that part."

"Sounds good to me. Let's kick some ass." Rusty says, going to get his things.

"You have to follow Jackson's orders Rusty. No excuses, no running off on your own, just listen to Jackson. He's decent with the strategies in fighting and knows what he's doing." Autumn seems to give a look to Rusty that conveyed many worlds, all simply implying 'Don't screw up'.

"I know, I know. I got it." Rusty says, a small bit annoyed with the now constant drilling.

"That's not good enough. You promise to listen to him?" Autumn says, his glare getting more intense.

Rusty nods. "I promise, because I know I'd probably screw up with this somewhere."

"Good. Now let's get going." Autumn pulls up the bag of supplies while Zill and Kayla look on at the two.

"It's almost like you two talk like you're a married couple trying to sort out relationship issues." Kayla gives a small giggle at that, trying to lighten the mood.

"S-shut up." Rusty says under his breath, looking away.

Autumn simply looks over Rusty for a moment, then simply says "I can see it. He probably would be a problematic yet interesting husband." He just wanted to mess with him.

"Hey! I would try at the very least!" Rusty snaps, and then notices what he said. "That ain't saying I'm looking to get married!"

"Well, the kiss you two shared seemed to indicate something." Zill gives a little laugh before beginning to head off.

"Quit ganging up on me!" Rusty yells out.

"I wouldn't know much on it, but maybe it would work out." Jackson gives a little smile now the mood has lightened a bit. During all that, he felt like he couldn't really say much. Though maybe they were right. He doesn't really know. He never really gave much a thought to forgiving Rusty before and now that he was thinking about it, he wants to make it a priority. Maybe he was too nice. But he wanted everything to just be ok. That shouldn't be too much to try and ask for. He wants to be able to look at Rusty without thinking of all the things that happened in the past. Just what's happening in the now. 

"Hey, I ain't needing your opinion in this..." Rusty held himself back from yelling at Jackson, though he was still red in the face.

"Just saying." Jackson chuckles before moving on. Rusty rolls his eyes and soon follows suit. 

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