Dreams of Blue Velvet

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            Jackson's dreams were usually dark, ones encapsulating loneliness and the many things that could and would happen to him with his bad luck. Yet tonight was different. The air felt soft and calming. He would find himself on a music stage, all surrounded by blue curtains which would soon move to reveal a grand piano. Jackson was stunned, walking forward. The stage was beautiful. The blue curtains, the silver trims, the polished and engraved wood floorings, everything just seemed immaculate. As Jackson marveled at the surroundings, and enjoying the nice dream for once, footsteps would soon be heard heading towards the piano. Jackson would turn and find a hunchbacked, long nosed man in a black suit sitting down and playing the piano. The melody was touching, like telling a calming poem. Jackson, a bit nervous, walked closer to the man. His hands glide across the keys effortlessly and continued to fill the room with wonderful music. It was when Jackson stepped close enough that the man looked at him, his eyes wide and oddly bloodshot. His grin, while initially sinister looking at first, now seemed to grow gentle. It immediately startled Jackson, who fell back with a yip. 

The long nosed man would then speak in a soft voice. "Welcome to the Velvet Room, young one." 

Jackson tried to compose himself as he slowly stood up. "W-who are you? I've never seen you before." 

The man would chuckle. "I do hope not. That would mean I've been slacking on my duties" His grin would persist, continuing to unnerve Jackson. The man continued speaking. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name, is Igor." 

Jackson kept his distance, continuing to ask questions. "I'm not used to dreams like this. What's going on?" Jackson's tone, as usual, was hushed. A symbol of his shy nature.

 "This is no dream, although you are fast asleep within the real world." Igor said, never ceasing the piano playing. He continues to speak. "You're here because a great danger is to befall you and your friends, and it must be stopped." Jackson looked shocked now. Another world? Asleep? Great danger? All these words would spin through Jackson's head. It worried him. 

"W-what can I do? I have no powers like one of my friends, why come to me?" Jackson spoke with a worried tone, yet Igor did not falter. 

"Those who come here are bound to a contract, which will allow them the services of this room." As Igor spoke, paper would be shown before Jackson. It was simple parchment, with a feather pen to write. "All we ask is that you accept responsibility for your own actions." 

Jackson took the pen into his hand and looked over the contract. He paused before writing. "What would h-happen if I don't...?" He asked out of caution. This felt like a dream, but everything felt too odd to be just in his head. 

"Then the danger will remain, regardless of your actions." Said Igor. Jackson lightly shivered at the idea. As odd as all of this was, what if Igor was telling the truth? His friends left in danger and he could do nothing about it. Jackson would then sign his name upon the contract which would then dissipate. Igor looked to him. "It seems we've come to an agreement... I will summon you at a later date. I shouldn't keep you here any longer." He said, the song he was playing on the piano soon ending. Jackson would then hear a soft bell as he would slowly fade out of consciousness.

            Jackson jerked awake in his room, his alarm beeping beside his bed. He sighed as he pressed the button to silence it. He looked at his hands, thinking back to the dream. A great danger, and he was getting sent to the center. He thought that he should talk this over with his friends, just to be sure. 

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