Painful, Empty Hours

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            It was hard for any of the boys to focus in school. The imminent danger that would befall Kayla should they fail weighed heavy on the mood and it seemed a lot of people noticed it. Zill kept a serious expression throughout the entire day, Jackson was constantly bouncing his knee and looking at the clock, and Autumn didn't say many words.

Rusty had noticed the change in Autumn's mood and went to talk to him during lunch. "Hey, doe boy. The fuck you being so quiet for?" To that, Autumn didn't respond. His mind was too focused on the incoming shadow world trip. Rusty then grabbed his shirt, making the other look at him. "Answer me."

Autumn just brushed Rusty's hands aside and responds with "I do not know what you mean Ruben."

"You know what I mean. Is it that TV shit that Jackson got you involved in?" Rusty's voice emanated a soft growl. Autumn wasn't impressed or threatened.

"And if it is? It's something important Ruben, and I can help." Autumn crossed his arms, his look being just as cross with the dog before him.

"I ain't gonna let you do dumb shit that gets you killed." Rusty kept his angry growl going, his hands both clenched into fists.

"Ruben, I need to do this." Autumn strictly says. To which Rusty responds with something that hit him deep.

"This will not bring your cousin back doe boy!" This comment was just held in the air. Other students heard it and looked on at the argument, giving little side remarks to anyone else that was watching their argument.

"... Then make me stop." Autumn held his ground, his eyes radiating a furious energy and everyone around them could see it. It was a feeling Autumn didn't really know he could reach. But the rage was boiling up, to the point of almost exploding. He was almost going to hit Rusty, but he knew that would cause more problems than it warranted. "Hit me, keep me away from them, try to stop me from doing what I think is right."

Rusty saw this anger, and almost backed off, but softly says. "I can't have you dying too..." To this, Autumn slowly lightened up. He never heard words like this from Rusty. But this was something that he couldn't really be angry at. "It would be my fault if you died. I..."

Autumn just placed a hand on his shoulder. "It wouldn't be your fault Ruben. Don't think like that." Rusty was about to say something, but just bit his lip. "But I need to do this. I can explain everything later."

Then Rusty would do something that would now be posted to all the social media sites due to the audience that was watching the previous argument. He hugged Autumn, tightly. "Just be safe Autumn. Please." Autumn was shocked initially. This hug felt pleasant though. Like Rusty was finally letting out something he was holding in for a while, and he was fairly fluffy. Autumn slowly hugged back.

"I promise you, I'll always come back safely. But we'll see you after school... we need to pick some things up." Autumn slowly moves back. Rusty then looks to see the audience around them and his face flares red with embarrassment.

"The hell you pricks looking at?! This ain't a private show, get lost!" Rusty yelled out. The onlookers slowly dispersed and went back to their lunches. On a quieter note, he looks to Autumn. "If you mean at the store I work at... all I can do is give you discounts where I can. I can't just hand those things out."

"Thank you Rusty." Autumn said softly, giving a little smile.

"... If it makes you all come back home safe, it'll be worth any shit my boss gives me." Rusty began walking off to have his own lunch. Autumn sighed softly. He'd have to talk with the others about this.

A Zoo in the Fog (PersonaxZoophobia)Where stories live. Discover now