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"Ocean separates lands, not souls."
~Munia Khan

"What are you gonna do after the tour?"

Michael and Ava were lying on a beach since it was technically summer in Australia and it was the one day tour break they had every once in a while.

"I mean we will probably go write another album or we will have another tour...it's all a bit in the clouds still."

"You can't possibly have another tour so soon. You are all exhausted and there is a whole Asian leg left."

"That is showbiz babe."

All was quiet between the two until Michael spoke again.

"What will you do after the tour?"

"I'm not sure. I have to apply to uni at some point so I'll probably do that and then..."

Ava's thoughts trailed off and Michael let his girlfriend think whatever she was thinking as he followed his own train of thought.

"Where do you usually write albums?"

"The first one was in the UK but I think if we will write another one, it will be in the US. Just because LA is the center of this things."

Ava nodded but just the thought of not seeing Michael for months scared the shit out of her. Michael probably noticed it since he took her hand and pulled her onto his chest where she buried herself into him. In that position they watched the sunset and were slowly walking back to the hotel they were staying at.

"You see this is how I love to spend my birthday. Just me and the person I love."

As soon as she said it Ava wanted to bury herself in the sand underneath her. Michael caught the word to as he stopped the blonde and looked deep into her green eyes. And all though she was desperately avoiding eye contact, Michael managed to lift her head up enough for their eyes to meet.

"I love you too."

Then he kissed her and the entity of Ava's body felt like it will just melt away. And somehow Ava still wasn't sure if she liked the feeling. Hand in hand the couple returned to the hotel where Ava met her mother's open arms. She looked around confused and saw some balloons with her name on it and smiled.

"We know you hate parties so this technically isn't a party but your mom just really wanted to see you."

"Happy birthday honey. You are growing up so fast."

Rosalie kissed her daughter on the cheek and then Ava found herself in Andy's hug as he also wished her happy birthday. Without even a second to breath, Ava got attacked with another hug that appeared to be Ashtons. From morning until late evening Ava spent time with just Michael and so then, at 10 PM everyone wanted to congratulate the birthday girl while it was still her birthday.

"The happiest freaking birthday little one. Don't change for anyone ever."

Ava smiled on the outside but felt a little sting as the drummer said that. She felt like she already did change for Michael and as much as she knew she was in love with him, she didn't feel completely herself which bugged her more and more. Next one to hug her was Calum and the last one to step up to her was Luke. He tugged on his lip ring before meeting Ava's eyes. Even though they sorted everything out on Michael's birthday party there was still a long way to go before the two could feel 100% comfortable around each other, especially with Michael present in the room.

"Happy 19th sis."

Ava couldn't help but smile and as the blonde boy saw that, he smiled as well before pulling her into a hug. Michael or no Michael soon they'll be related by marriage. The night continued and everyone including the blonde girl had fun. As the clock reached 3am, they decided to go to bed and sleep everything off.

The Australian leg of the tour passed by in no time and soon it was time for the last, Asian leg of the tour. On the plane there, Ava fell asleep on Michael's shoulder and was completely oblivious of the conversation happening between the four boys.

"What are you going to do once the tour ends Mikey?"

"What do you mean?"

"He means, what will happen with Ava and you."

Michael looked at his girlfriend sleeping next to him and then back at his bandmates.

"What should happen?"

Luke rolled his blue eyes and rotated his entire body towards Michael so that they were face to face.

"Come on Mikey. You're 19. You can't possibly believe you two will be together forever."

"I don't know about forever but I do know we won't break up after tour. I mean if nothing else, we will be there for the wedding and we will probably stay there until your birthday Luke. Then...I don't know. We'll manage."

Luke scoffed and turned away. He was still hurt by Michael and that wasn't going away anytime soon. But no matter that, he just couldn't picture the Michael he knew being so in love with Ava.

"The thing Luke is not so nicely trying to say is that you'll spend the majority of the time in the US and if not that you'll be touring the world and if I understood her correctly, she's going to uni in fall."

"She doesn't know about that yet..."

"Mike...she said that. Before she was with you. Don't manipulate her into giving up what she wants just because you are most definitely her first love."

The green eyed boy looked every one of his best friends and exhaled nodding. Of course he knew he shouldn't manipulate her feelings like that but he just didn't want to lose her and he was afraid that if she wouldn't spend every day with him, she'd realize that maybe she is better off without him and he couldn't handle that. Especially not when his absolute best friend couldn't help him get through that. The newly blue haired boy looked at his girlfriend he was so insanely in love with once again and placed a light kiss on the top of her head. He couldn't risk losing her bit he also couldn't risk her losing herself.

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