two; where it all goes wrong

Start from the beginning

"Can we have three cheers to Parker Stilinski?!" His voice screamed out, cracking from the strain it was being put under.

Those cheers were given, enthusiastically too.

A rush of adrenaline and embarrassment flooded Parker's body, only to be replaced with momentary fear as he was hoisted up onto a few of the student body's shoulders. He wasn't at a wedding, but he did feel the love they were trying to show him.

"Without you, big man, we wouldn't have just won state champs! We couldn't have done it without you."

"Oh shut up, Mendel! Let us party!" Shouted another, and the music continued.

Finally, after some bartering with the men beneath him; literally beneath him, Parker was placed back onto solid ground. It had only cost him ten dollars but to be able to walk freely again was worth the monetary sacrifice.

A life time of partying had seemingly passed and the fun seemed to be finally slowing down.

As students began to disappear from the field, and the music grew quieter, only an hour or so had passed. That was much longer than he had originally planned on staying, but he was no magician and couldn't turn back the time.

"Peter, cmon! I gotta go pick Stiles up before he starts eating all the jello pots he can find."

Once, when Stiles was five and visiting their mother in hospital, Parker left the room for less than twenty minutes to find out if they were picking up a takeout on their way home and he came back to Stiles with his hands in two different jello pots with several empty ones scattered around him.

"You can let him wait another ten minutes, Park! You've just won the championship, it's time to freaking celebrate!" Peter cheered, shaking his shoulders vigorously as if he was trying to shake some sense into him.

Despite being a year past his own graduation, Peter had befriended Parker in the strangest of ways involving a brand new bike and a; potentially, blind Parker. The two had gotten on like a house on fire, and Parker; the ever so observant boy, noticed that Peter wasn't all that he seemed, and the first thing he had suspected was right.

Peter Hale was a badass, idiotic and rather hotheaded werewolf.

"Let the boy go home, Peter. Stiles means everything to him and you know it. Don't be a selfish sour prick." Andie commented, knowing very little about Petes moonlit activities, but she wasn't wrong.

Sometimes he was a selfish sour prick, and he definitely needed to hear it from someone who was levelheaded like Andie. If only they had met in another life—

It seemed to have worked because Parker stopped complaining and began to calm down. Despite the celebrations already ending, and Peter playing dumb, Stiles was currently safe. He was safe, out of harms way and it wasn't even as late as he had thought. Half past nine, he had originally expected it to be way past midnight by now.

Peters head turned at the sound of snapping twigs, causing Parker and Andie to both turn their heads in the same direction. It seemed that the gatecrashers were a little bit late to the party— and had brought some unnecessary friends along with them; guns and ammunition.

"Oh shit, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." Andie mumbled to herself, trying to keep herself in a light spirit.

Peter was used to the constant fear of stumbling across hunters, but they were being so blatant with their actions... and in front of two innocent humans too?! They must have forgotten their motto to only take the lives of those who harmed the innocent.

Ghost of You | Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now