two; where it all goes wrong

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content warning!! gun violence

Beacon Hills High, 2004

Parker stayed much later than he had originally anticipated on the lacrosse field, surrounded by his teammates and those he had been in a few classes alongside. The party was the first, and last, high school event that Parker had actually gone to voluntarily. No one, not even his two closest friends had to persuade him to stay this time.

It was strange, usually he'd have to listen to Andie or Joe nag at him for hours before he caved. But Parker hadn't even given Andie a second to speak before he had announced he was going to the after party that morning.

Andrea Peters, only ever called that by her parents, had been keeping Parker's solo cup full of lucozade for the last hour. She was his closest friend in his year, and despite their differences- mainly her strong dislike of lacrosse, they were usually stuck together like glue.

A small niggling thought kept creeping it's way into the forefront of his mind though, wondering why the guilt of abandoning Stiles hadn't kicked in yet. He knew that if something was wrong, Melissa McCall would be the first to be calling and he hadn't heard so much as a bell from anyone.

He knew Stiles would be safe within the hospital; despite his mothers constant and quickly deteriorating state, he'd have a grandparent there with him until he managed to arrive too.

"A couple more and we'll get out of your hair." Andie said with too much confidence for someone who had consumed a small rabbits weight in alcohol.

A sudden thought rushed into Parker's mind. His father was a man of the law, or rather the newly appointed Sheriff, and having him show up to break up a high school party would be the ultimate bad ending to his high school career.

Parker nodded, another drink or two- either water or redbull wouldn't kill anyone. It was harmless! He was finally letting loose, having fun- being a kid!

The music grew louder, the dances became more flavourful and Peter became— more of a fool by trying to act drunk.

"Andie, lay off the beers. You can't walk straight without being under the influence." Parker chided, his comment seemingly rolling off of her back like water on a ducks.

For once, Parker felt like your ordinary, run of the mill teenager without a little brother to care for, or any big responsibilities resting on his shoulders and he was loving every second.

The field, or in this case impromptu club, was alive with the sound of music. Sweaty bodies pressing against other sweaty bodies, dancing provocatively to rather unprovocative music until they were cut off by the classic disc scratch from the DJ 'booth'.

Front and centre with a mic in his hands, stood the valedictorian of their year, Christopher Mendel, who looked worse for wear and he hadn't just spent the best part of almost two hours running after a ball on the exact field everyone stood on.

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