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Welcome to my first ever cover contest! If you enjoy making covers then you're in the right place for it! These are all just for fun so I appreciate it if there wasn't any hate towards this book or in the comment section.

Here are the rules to join:

1.) Please go to the cover contest that is currently going on.

2.) Comment on that specific chapter that you're joining, something like 'I'll join!'

3.) Please be sure to read the guidelines carefully and make the cover accordingly and please be sure your cover is correct too. (For example, if I ask for a Namjoon cover, please don't give a Jin cover xD)

4.) Pm me or tell me w=either in the comment section on where you've added your wonderful covers! So that I'll be sure to check your hard work out.

And that's pretty much it!

Do remember that this is all just for fun and don't feel too upset if your cover didn't get the 1st place because there are always more chances for you to shine! Good luck and have fun!! ❤️

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