Apology, or pure pity?

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X's pov~

I walked down into the dungeon where Starla was. I knew what I had to do, and that was apologize. I had prepared, gone down into the basement, and looked at her. Too late to back out now. "Starla" I said, my voice cold and emotionless compared to the way I normally sounded. "I'm sorry, I let my temper get the best of me. I honestly didn't mean to scratch your eye." After I said this I left, knowing very well that Starla would need to process what I said.

" After I said this I left, knowing very well that Starla would need to process what I said

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Black Flame: BOO!

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Black Flame: BOO!


Black Flame: Heheh, sorry. Also I sent those clothes I borrowed back, does this look good?

Starla: Yeah, it looks great!

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