X knows, and is mad.

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Starla's pov~

Blacky and I hung out with some friends and caught up. When we left, we gave our friends our phone numbers so we could talk more on the phone. Once we got back to the dungeon I was supposed to be in, we saw X...And she was mad. "I know where you were." She said, glaring at me and Blacky harshly. "Black Flame, I'll talk to you in a moment." She said and with that, Blacky left leaving X and I alone. I was scared, I backed up against a wall as she came closer. She mostly yelled at me, and scratched my good eye, now I can barely see. She left and I was left in the dark, crying, wishing that I could go back in time and not hurt our father like always.

X's pov~

I admit it, I did something bad. Once I realized what I had done to Starla, I couldn't help but puch myself in the face, I felt so stupid. I couldn't deal with any of this, so I went to my room, and thought of ways to apologise. I was an idiot. I know we can't be one person anymore, and I know she wants to make up, but I just can't. I can't bring myself to forgive her. I can hear Starla in the other room with Blacky, I need to reflect on my action and say.... I'm sorry.

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