Twenty Two

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That's all what was heard between us along with the faint sound of serum drops in the bag hung on the wall behind her.

I avoided her pleading gaze, too afraid I might just lose it and break down into tears again. She squeezed my hand weakly, forcing me to look her in the eyes, which were starting to be filled with tears threatening to spill down her bruised face.

"I'll take that as a yes..." Her voice quivered with fear, sadness and defeat. "Jessie, I'm really sorry. I should've arrive earlier, I should've stopped all of this, you wouldn't have had all those bruises and broken ribs and cuts, you wouldn't have to go through all of thi-" I was cut off by a finger pressed on my lips.

"Just shut up and hold me" I immediately responded and leaned in to press a soft kiss on her forehead and held her hand strongly in mine.

"I'll always protect you, Jessie. I'm never leaving your side."

"Good, cause you're stuck with me for a long time" She whispered back and I chuckled at her response.

The door suddenly opened, interrupting our moment. We pulled from each other's embrace and looked towards the door. Everyone came, rushing towards Jessie with a smile of relief plastered on their faces. "She's aliive!!" Hodges said with his hands thrown up in the air which caused Jessie to giggle, God I'd hear this giggle on replay forever.

"That's right bitches, I'm back" Jessie said, making a weird gesture with her hand making us laugh.

"Language!!" Grissom exclaimed, the laughter paused and resumed when Jessie pouted cutely and mumbled a "Sorry, sir", including Grissom himself.

"Glad you're okay, Jess. We were really worried about you" Sarah patted her shoulder and gave her a wide smile. "Thank you guys, you being here around me is enough to make me better and feel safe."

"Oh, oh, got you your favorite fast food" Nick placed the brown bag of food on the table next to her and looked around before whispering "I know the food is awful here and tastes like crap" making Jessie chuckle and thanking him before eagerly opening the bag and shoving a handful of french fries in her mouth, sighing in satisfaction.

"So we're gonna stay for a while here before we have to leave back to the lab. We still have more evidence to check." Catherine made this clear between us, the rest nodding in agreement.

"Greg are you staying or coming back with us?" Sarah asked and I shook my head.

"I'm staying here until she gets checked out of the hospital"

"No, no Greg you can go it's okay. You need to rest at home and continue your work." Jessie argued, still munching on her burger.

"Jess, someone needs to stay with yo-"

"I'll be fine Warrick, don't worry about me. I have the nurses around me if I need anything. And if I get lonely I'll bombard you with calls for all of you to come over and entertain me" This caused all of us to laugh and she smiled widely at us.

"Now shoo go away and do your work" She shooed us with her hand and I got up and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Don't miss me too much" I whispered and she smirked. "I'll suffer trying not to" And with that I left, closing the door behind me after everyone bid her goodbye. The doctor was standing outside the room, apparently wanted to come in.

"Hello, just wanted to check up how she is. Is she alone inside?"

"Yes, she is. We're leaving to do some work. She practically kicked us out." The doctor let out a laugh and looked down at the papers in his hands. "Feisty woman she is, I'll write this down in her description file." said the doctor which caused me to laugh and nod my head in agreement.

"Do you want me to update you before you leave Mr. Sanders?" I nodded my head with a "Yes, please" and saw the doctor walk into her room and closing the door behind him. I turned to the group whole were standing not too far from where I was and approached them, their conversation died once I stood in front of them. "The doctor will do a quick check up and update us, won't take more than ten minutes." They nodded and sat on the metal chairs provided.

And exactly ten minutes later, the doctor emerged from the room and smiled reassuringly at us and he approached with a sigh. "Well, she's doing perfectly great. Everything is stable. She can leave the hospital in three to five days, not longer than that." I sighed in relief and gave the doctor a smile.

"Thank you, doctor. We would like a copy of her file once she gets checked out to add it to our case file." Grissom talked and the doctor nodded quickly, "Of course, you will received it right when she leaves the hospital" The two men shook hands and I thanked the doctor again.

"You guys ready to get back to work? It's gonna be a long night" Catherine said and we all responded with our yeses.

"Let's do this for Jessie" and with that we left the hospital, back to the lab. Ready to dig deep everywhere to find that sick man.

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