Chapter Fifteen

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Greg's P.O.V

"I told you Greg, if you want to be out in the field then you have to find a DNA specialist to fill in your place" Grissom said and he sat on the chair behind his desk while I'm standing.
"Also you have to go through a test so you can be an official CSI" I nodded and said "Okay, I'll do my best to find someone" I turned around to walk out of his office but I got called again.
"Oh and Greg" I turned to face him.
"Your field test starts in tomorrow" He smiled and so did I.
Oh finally I'm gonna go out and do my job outside rather than staying in the lab the whole time.
"Thank you"
"Anytime." I exited the office and went back to the lab to make some calls so I can find a DNA specialist to fill in my place.

Two days later.

Jessie's P.O.V

Greg is finally taking his test and I couldn't be more happier for him.
Now we are at a crime scene and I got to stay with him to see how he's doing.
"Now Greg as I said before you have to collect every single evidence because it might help us with catching the killer. And don't forget to take pictures of the evidence before you collect it" I told him while we walked around the room.
The room was quite big, and by the look at it you can tell a lot happened in here. Not any master bedroom as well, it was one of the biggest master bedrooms I've ever seen.
"Got it" Greg nodded and walked around examining the room carefully, I smiled at him and continued my work.
"I'm so scared I might not gonna make it. I don't want to go back to the lab I want to be a real CSI" He sighed and snapped a couple of pictures.
"Hey listen, you can do it okay? Just don't let your negative thoughts get the best of you. Besides you're such a smart guy and a hard worker. You can do it and learn from your mistakes okay?" I got closer to him and he have me a slight smile.
"Thank you Jessie, really you're the best at giving advices" He hugged me and after a few second we pulled apart, each one of us getting back to what we were doing.
Nick entered the room and looked around.
"Need any help you guys?" He asked us.
"No thank you. Greg got this one" I looked at Greg and he nodded in agreement.
"Alright great. See you guys at the lab"
"See you" Greg and I both said and Nick left us.

We got back to the lab after collecting the evidence, now its time to examine everything.
But first, we have to go to Dr.Robinson.
"What if I fainted? Thats gonna be so embarrassing" Greg said while we walked towards the autopsy room.
"Oh c'mon Greg stop that. You're gonna do just fine.... You might throw up but nothing serious" I chuckled and we put our coats on and gloves.
"I hate throwing up"
"We all do Greg, we all do"
I opened the door and let Greg in.
"Hey Doc. How are you doing?" I asked and he gave us a smile.
"Just great. You guys came in the right time. Greg how are you?" He looked at Greg.
"I'm okay. Uh Jesus it smells awful" He scrunched his nose and me and the Doctor both laughed.
"You're gonna get used to it in no time" Doctor Robins said and we went closer to the body laying on the table.
The door opened and Grissom came in, wearing a coat just like us and a pair of gloves as well.
"Just in time Grissom" Doc said and he approached us.
"Now Greg tell me what do you see?" Grissom asked and we looked at Greg.
"Well, obviously she got shot, and I guess thats the C.O.D. I can see two gun shots, one in the right leg below the knee, and one in the right temple" He paused and looked at the body from head to toe.
"I think the killer tried to stop her from escaping and shot her first in the leg. There are some bruises on her stomach and face, and marks on her knuckles indicating she fought back for a while"
I smiled proudly at him, he did pretty good!
"Good job. You're doing great Sanders" Grissom said and smiled at him.
"Is there anything we should know about the body Doc?" I asked and he reached for a container that had the bullets.
"These are the bullets I found. And also I found a fabric in her stomach" He reached again for another container that had a black fabric in it.
Greg took and looked at it carefully.
"Alright, thank you Doctor. We'll see you later"
"See you"
We headed back to the lab and found Sarah and Catherine examining some of the evidence that we brought from the crime scene.
"Hey" Sarah and Catherine said at the same time ad we smiled at them.
"Hey. How is it going in here?" Greg put on another pair of gloves and I did as well.
"Amazing. I sent the condoms you guys found in the bin to test it. Hopefully we'll find something about the killer" Catherine said and we all nodded.
We started examining more evidence for the next two hours.
So far Greg is doing great and I hoped for the best that he could pass the test.

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