Chapter Two

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I got out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom. Brushed my teeth and washed my face. I curled my hair into big curls, I like it wavy and natural. I applied a bit of make-up and put on black pants and a shirt. I grabbed my bag and car keys and headed down town.

When I reached the place, the building looked huge.

I entered the building and found the receptionist, she looked at me and smiled widely.

"Hi! Can I help you?" The receptionist said.

"Um yes, I'm Jessie Parker. I'm new here, I just want to know where I can get my things"

"Oh welcome then! Here are your papers and files, your other things will be in the locker room, go straight to this hallway and take left."

"Thank you so much" I smiled and grabbed the things she gave me.

I went where she told me to, while I was walking, a man in his 40's looked at me and smiled.

"You must be the new girl, welcome. Gil Grissom, your supervisor" He took his hand out and I shook it.

"Jessie Parker, nice to meet you Mr.Grissom"

"Hey Grissom, I just came back from the crime scene and found half the head we were looking for" A guy came holding papers, then he noticed that I'm here and looked between me and Grissom.

Half a head? Interesting.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Actually Nick, you just came in the right time. This is Jessie, new girl. You're gonna show her around. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some papers to sign. See you" And he left.

That man has something in his personality that I didn't find in others.

I looked at the man who's called Nick and smiled."Oh, I'm Nick Stokes. Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too"

"Shall we?" He smiled and I nodded.

"So Jessie, how did you see Vegas so far?" He asked me while we walked into a hallway that was a bit different from the others.

"Well I arrived yesterday so, its kindda crowded here. It took me hours to get out of this airport"

"Well yeah you're right. But believe me, you're gonna like it. Oh so here's the autopsy room" He opened the door for me and I thanked him.

I saw a man standing in front of a table and there was a head on it, well half of it. So thats what Nick was talking about.. Yikes.

"Hello Doc. I see you working on my half head."

"Yeah I almost finished." He looked at me.

"Hi I'm Jessie, new girl"

"Welcome to the lab, you're gonna like it here." He smiles and takes something out the thing.

"I can see that" I smile back at him.

"We'll see you later Doc."The old man nodded and we headed out of the room.

"Thats Doctor Robins"

I nodded and while we got out of that corridor into the lab I saw a lady, she looks in her 30's I guess? Her hair is a bed light red, more like blond.

"Nicki will you come and help me process that trash we got?" The lady said.

"Um, can you give me 30 minutes? I have to show Jessie around. Take this. It's the report I wrote for the other case" Nick said and he gave her the papers he was holding the whole time.

She took the papers and looked at me.

"I have been waiting to see you! Hi! I'm Catherine Willows" She surprised me by a friendly hug, I like her.

"Nice to meet you Mrs.Willows" I smiled and hugged back.

"Please call me Catherine. I'm excited to get to know you better. I gotta go now. I'll see you later!" She waved and walked away.

That's very welcoming, I guess I'm gonna like it here...

I'm so excited for this ! Please comment what do you think about the story so far !💕 Thank you!

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