Chapter Twenty-Five

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She hears a drop fall into the water in the back long before she can smell it. As soon as she can smell it, though, she has to resist the urge to turn around and look.

"Do you smell that?" Arabella whispers under her breath to all the other vampires in the room.

"Blood," Tyler responds from next to Caroline.

Arabella grabs her brother's hand tightly, trying hard not to run out of the room. "Nobody move," Damon murmurs. "It's a trap."

Elena begins to stutter on the podium as she begins to lose it. To any of the people in the church, she's flubbering after the loss of all of her family members. The vampires all know that Elena is fighting to keep control over her blood lust.

Stefan gets up to save Elena from herself, signaling the pastor to call for everyone to rise and sing a hymn. The doppelgänger looks a lot closer to letting go than before.

Arabella isn't doing so well either. Despite the fact that she had a nice meal earlier this morning, she finds herself being lured to the scent of the blood. If someone doesn't take care of the problem soon, Arabella may have to rip this entire church apart.

"I'm going to rip that hunter's head off now," Damon states.

Stefan doesn't even glance in Damon's direction. "You do that Damon, and you risk exposing all of us."

"I think the risk will be diminished when I, you know, rip his head off."

Elena clutched righter onto her boyfriend. "Stefan, I'm losing it."

Loosening Arabella's grip on his hand, Damon resists the urge to look over at Stefan and Elena. "You have ten seconds before I go rip his head off."

"Damon, don't. Please."

Damon smirks as he makes a move to walk away. "Three two one."

"Wait!" Matt exclaims quietly. "Feed from me, Elena."

The football player must be really honorable to want to let Elena feed off of him. Especially considering the risk that poses on the two of them.

A minute passes by before Tyler walks up to the front. Bold of him to do, considering that the hunter already knows that he is a vampire.

"I'd like to say a few words about Pastor Young," he states.

Arabella can hear the hunter load up his gun as Tyler gives his speech. She can't pinpoint the exact location, but she can tell that he is on the balcony above them all. He's overlooking everyone in the church.

Soon, a loud gunshot rings out and a stake hits him right in the chest where his heart is. People begin to shriek and leave the theater as most of the vampires run towards Tyler.

Caroline grips the stake and rips it out of her boyfriend's heart. He gasps and coughs for air before shaking his head. If he didn't hate the hunter before, he sure does now. "I'm gonna kill that bastard."

"Damon is way ahead of you," Stefan replies.

Arabella takes the stake bullet out of Caroline's hand and surveys it. The markings look oddly familiar, but Arabella cannot tell where she had seen them before.

Caroline stares at the hybrid female as though she has grown a second head. "That doesn't burn you?" She asks.

Lifting an eyebrow, Arabella gives the blonde a confused look. "Is it supposed to?"

Instead of responding, Caroline looks around. "Where's Elena?"

Tyler slowly sits up, but his mom waves him back down as she places her phone to her ear to call an ambulance.

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