◇□ Chapter Twelve □◇

Start from the beginning

"I did try, vhen I vorked for Vayne Corps, I tried to develop a cure for the mistakes I had made but, it never vorked." His voice was low as he shook his head. They were heading back to the lab. Talia was somewhat pleased to hear that, but she couldn't seem that satisfied.

"And why was that? What happened?" She asked.

"I don't know, I never could figure it out. No matter vhat I changed, it vould always end up the same way." He explained. Talia followed close behind him as they entered back into his lab. Her eyes couldn't help but wonder around the large open room. She noticed a chalkboard, "And are they? Indistructable?"

"So far yes." He answered.

"And could you do this to my sons?" Doctor Seiberlich dropped his tray that he was carrying before quickly picking it back up.

"I uh- um- I - I don't know. It vould be dangerous, unpredictable, ve don't know of the possible outcome. And vhy vould you?" He gave a short laugh, "Your boys are already super human, it's that enough?"

"No... not when there is something better." She turned around, snapping her fingers at the large man. "I will be back, and I expect to see a formula that will work on my sons."

"Vhere are you going?"

"Gotham." She answered obviously, "I need to get a child. I'll think we'll start with the quiet one." She emerged back into the shadows, Dr. Seiberlich looked back at his board. He knew this was a bad idea, but who was he to say. Who was he to stand up against Talia Al Goul. He sighed, as he began to get to work.


Jason slammed his locker door. He had been living at the cave for a couple weeks now. He hadn't really talked to Dick since, honestly he was avoiding him. Jason couldn't stand to bring himself to look at any of his brothers, not after what he had done. His eyes was still pretty bad, he was definitely going to have a couple scars. His vision was still blurry, but it was improving. Jason was used to the constant stares and whispers as he passed, but these were different. They used to be all about admiration, the girls would giggle as he passed by, whisper to their friends about how cute he was. But lately, there was no giggling, but there was whispers. Lots of them. From everybody. And all the staring. At first Jason wanted to just lock himself in the janitors closet and never come out. It wouldn't have been so hard if Dick had been standing right beside him. But he wasn't.

Jason sighes as he tugged at his backpack, pulling it up on to his shoudler. He couldn't help but hesitate for a moment when he saw him. But he shook it off and kept walking. Barbara gave him a sympathetic look as he walked by. She was leaned up against the lockers, standing next to her boyfriend. "Dick, you really need to talk to him." She said, Dick shook his head closing his locker door.

"I can't."

"I know, I know. You've said that." Barbara repiled aggravated. "But Dick, he's your brother. And he's hurting. I can't understand how your father could just push him away like that, then order you to do the same. It's ridiculous." Dick placed his hands on her shoudlers, trying to calm her down. She took a deep breath then stared in to his big blue eyes. "I don't know how you do that, but its amazing. I swear it's your super power." She joked kissing him on the cheek. They interlocked their fingers together as they walked down the halls. Dick wanted to be happy, but how could he. He finally had Barbara, the girl he had liked since the 6th grade. But his father was pushing them all 10x harder than ever before, Tim had an attitude all the time, Damian had been ruder then usual. And Jason, he just wasn't around. His life had never been normal, but he often wondered what it would be like if it had.

Maybe Dick could actually join the gymnastics team like he always wanted, Bruce would be home on time for supper eat alone everynight. They could actually have friends, and throw parties, have a chance to be a kid instead of having to keep this big secret. Dick wasn't supposed to be dating Barbara, it was one of the rules. He hadn't told Bruce yet, and he honestly didn't think he was going to. He could almost laugh at himself for that one, Dick John Wayne, lying to his father. Batman. That was more of a Jason thing to do, but maybe they were more alike than they thought. But it was then, Dick felt a shiver go up his neck. His eyes widened, that he instantly clutched onto Barbara's hand. He took off running taking Barbara with him.

"Dick! Dick what are you doing?" She asked confused and somewhat frightened. Dick slid to a stop looking down both hallways until he spotted him. "Dick what's wrong-" Barbara didn't have time to finish when he took off sprinting again. He practically ran into Jason almost knocking him down.

"Dick what are you-"

"She's here." His face was fearfull, he was basically trembling. Jason's eyes widened, pulled Dick off to the side away from the classroom door and hallway traffic. Barbara immediately followed, Jason didn't seem to notice.

"Dick you're just being paranoid, the anniversary is coming up and it's just bringing back bad feelings." Jason said calmly. Dick pushed his hands off of him, "I'm not imagining things, I felt it. She's here!" Jason was a little surprised by his sudden outburst, but it made him believe it more. Dick was usually a calm person, he didn't get mad often. "Okay, okay, I believe you. Where do you think she is?" Jason asked. Dick took a step backwards, relaxing his shoudlers aa he rubbed his face.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Barbara asked in a hushed voice.

"Oh shit I forgot you were here. Umm, can you give us a second?" Jason quickly pulled Dick further away. "Alright, are you senses tingling or whatever? Jason asked studying his face.

"Its more like a feeling.... a really, really bad feeling." Dick explained. Jason looked around as the bell began to ring, still notice Barbara as she stood in the same spot with her arms crossed. "What a- what are you still doing here? Go to class!"

"No, I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on." Barbara stomped over to him. Jason groaned rolling his eyes. "You're aggravating you know that-" Jason looked down as Dick had hit his chest trying to get his attention. He stood pointing to the end of the hall, his eyes were wide with fear, his face had fallen pale. Jason had a similar reaction as he saw his mother and her minion at the end of the hall.

"Hello boys." Her voice made them nauseous. Jason had grabbed ahold of Dick's hand, taking a step back. "What? I can't visit my sons?" She smiled, it quickly disappeared as they took off running, Barbara following them. Talia rolled her eyes nodding to the huge man, "Get them."

"Will you please tell me what's going on?" Barbara asked urgently as they ran through the halls.

"All you need to know is that she is our mother, and she's most likely trying to kill us. So please do keep up, it would be a shame if you died, you probably are the only girl interested in Dick." Jason explained earning a punch to the arm by Dick.

"Well - well shouldn't we call your father or something?" She asked still confused.

"That isn't a bad id-" they all stopped in their tracks as they almost ran into the large beast of a man. He grunted as he stomped towards them.

"No one has to get hurt here, just hand Dick over and we'll leave." Talia exclaimed making her way over. Jason put his arm over Dick, shielding him from her.

"What do you want with him?" Jason growled.

"To make him better of course. He was always my favorite. A fast learner, intelligent, never talked back, never asked questions. You all were flawed, but not him. It's taken me sometime to realize that now. Jason your anger gets in the way, Tim's curiosity and overpowering will to always be right distracts him, Damian has the skills and the brain but lacks the feeling. But you Dick, you are perfect." She held out her hand, in a motion for him to come. Jason only glared at her, taking a step closer to him. Talia rolled her eyes, dropping her arm only to bring it back up again with a gun. It didn't take her a second to fire, Jason pushed Dick out of the way. Getting a dart to the neck.

His vision went blurry and his balance was lost. He fell to the ground unconscious in a matter of a few seconds. Dick placed his hand on Jason's back as he was knelt down beside him. His face was twisted into shock and fear. He stood up taking Barbara's hand, he backed up a few steps as they both were approaching. Sick slid his hand into his pocket, throwing a smoke bomb on to the ground. When it cleared they were gown. Talia let out a anger grunt, stomping her foot onto the ground. She glanced down at Jason. She tilted her head slightly, "He'll do. Come on." She ordered, the man threw Jason upon his shoudler, following Talia without question.


I know it's been awhile, and I apologize for that. Also, I know it's like highly unrealistic that Talia could kidnap her kids at school now in days. Literally she wouldn't even get past the front door there is so much security. But for the sake of the story let's just pretend it could happen.

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