"Car accident"

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Tew and I went to the hotel for dinner

During eating our meal i told him about my crush Tew is my best friend and i can't hide anything from him that's why i told him about my first crush

Tew was super surprised and he started asking about my crush name

I ignored his question because i did not want to tell him my crush name

I didn't tell him that my crush is a boy i thought it is kinda embarrassing and i also don't think i am a gay I am straight I just like him but that doesn't mean i am gay

After dinner we came out from the hotel and went towards Tew's car

Tew started driving the car but he was still asking about my crush name

Tew started teasing me i was smiling because i was thinking about my cute angry man

I lost in my dream land

Suddenly i heard a loud voice of car brakes and our car stopped with a jerk

We looked outside the car windshield

My face turned into pale when i saw someone is laying on the road

"Oh shittttt what you did Tew" i said and opened the car door

We run towards the man who was laying on the road

We were on empty road because the area was out of main city
There was darkness i turned on my mobile torch and tried to see the man condition

What i saw was unbelievable i felt like my body is lifeless my legs started shivering i felt like oxygen is decreasing in the atmosphere

My love my crush was laying on the road and his forehead was bleeding

I got sacred i felt pain and heaviness while breathing

"CALL THE AMBULANCE If anything happens to him I WILL KILL YOU Tew" i shouted with my full power and tried to stop bleeding

I started crying He was laying next to me unconsciously He was looking pale He was breathing slowly

I was scared to the extent that i forgot everything about first aid and etc

Tew got scared to see the situation

After call Tew sat on the road and started helping me We started waiting for ambulance Every passing second was dangerous for him

After twenty minutes we heard ambulance voice i looked towards ambulance

Two men got out of the ambulance and started coming to us

They picked him up and took him to the ambulance and started treatment

When we reached the hospital they told us to stay there and took p perawat for checkup

I was so scared that my mind stopped thinking anything I was walking through anxiety

Tew was sacred to see my condition He started giving me comfort

After one hour doctor came to us and told us that patient is out of danger He has got minor injuries but He was weak and unconscious because of bleeding

i felt relaxed to hear this Tew put his hand on my shoulder with slight smile

"Doctor can i meet him" i said immediately because i wanted to see him it was important for my heart

Doctor allowed me and i run towards his Ward

Tew was dumbfounded to see me

I entered the ward and felt relaxed after seeing him

There was bandage on his forehead and He was laying on the bed cutely

i poked his cheek and slight smile appeared on my face

I sat on the chair and started waiting for him

"When will he wake up" i thought and started staring him with smiley face

(Author # Who is he ??Arthit or Krist???😜)
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