"At Hospital"

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Krist Pov

I felt slight pain in my forehead i opened my eyes slowly and started looking around

I was laying on the bed i took Brief glance of the room

Room was looking like hospital ward

I was busy in staring room when i felt someone is sleeping on my hand

I turned my head and looked at the boy who was sleeping on my hand

He was looking adorable and innocent child who was sleeping carelessly

"Wait but who is he and what he is doing here and why he is sleeping on my hand " i looked at him suspiciously

Is he the one who hit me with the car ????

KongPop Pov

I was waiting for P , i don't know when i slept , I felt slight movement i opened my eyes and looked up at him ,He was staring me curiously I was sitting on the chair and my head was on his hand , I stood up with a jerk and started looking him

I got nervous

"Are you feeling well now??" i asked him to start conversation

"Hmmm" He looked at me head to toe and gave me short answer

"Do you want anything??" I continued the conversation

"No .........who are you and what are you doing here" he said curiously

"I am Kongpop, we met yesterday remember???" i said immediately

"Who??? i don't know you" he was staring me

"Has he forgotten me ,?????, did he lost his memories??????", I got scared I was stunned

"No no Maybe he is angry at me because i touched his cheek yesterday" i tried to relax myself

I was standing silently because i was ashamed for my yesterday's action

He was looking at me with confused eyes

"Don't tell me you are the one who hit me with the car" he said slight anger was in his tone

I got nervous to see his expressions

"He was my friend tew not me , We are sorry" i said in low voice and guilty face

"Hmmm " he said

I looked up at him he was staring me angrily I got nervous

"How he can be that scary , Yesterday he was cute like teddy bear with sweet smile and now he looks like angry lion "I thought and took glance of him

He made a face and closed his eyes

He was looking super attractive with angry face..... Cute dimples on angry handsome face It was difficult to control myself But i can't threaten him like yesterday

I was lost in his beauty when nurse came in to the room She had medicine in her hand

"Mr perawat you have to eat medicine" nurse said in sweet voice

"Is she trying to flirt with my sweet angry man " i stared her

"H ....... hmm........ ok " P perawat looked at medicine and turned his face to me I was busy noticing every little expression on his face

"Why are you looking at me , I am not comfortable, turn your face" He was still giving me angry look

I smiled and turned my face other side

He looked at medicine with unwilling heart and took medicine and pouted like a kid

He closed his eyes tightly and grabbed his nose with one hand and ate medicine with unwilling heart

After eating medicine he made a face and drank the full glass of water to reduce the taste of medicine

He was trying to be angry man but he was child to heart

"Maybe He didn't want me to see him like that " I thought and tried hard to control my laugh

I was looking him through the window mirror He didn't knew that I can see every little expression on his beautiful face His pouting face was driving me crazy

"How cute he is , Angry man don't like medicine , How he can be this much cute "I was looking at him without any movement like there is no tomorrow

I didn't know that how long i could control myself because he was attracting me very badly

He was a perfect man with all aspects of life

His cute and shy side was attractive and irresistible
But his angry side was also charming and beyond description

My Shy cute bold and angry man

"The man who was laying on the bed he didn't know that he is mine"i thought and looked at him with smiley face

I fell for him again

Yes i am falling in his love again and again

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