S01: E04 {We Sink}

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"All right, boss, what's the plan?" The demon asked.

"Plan is to find out why I'm stuck with you."

"I take that wasn't a compliment."

I roll my eyes and begin to pack.

"I also take that you have no clue on where to start."

I sigh and shove the suitcase away. He was right. The only thing I knew was that I had this thing with me since I was born. I tap my fingers on the floor. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking.

"Yo, Alex!" I hear Elijah. "Dude, you got to see this!"

I walk down the hall to the living room—which was only a few steps away from my room. On the TV was a female news-reporter.

"What's so special about the news?"

"Sh! Just listen!"

I roll my eyes and sit down.

"A fifteen year old girl causes a mass panic and death to thousands in Times Square. Somehow the young lady was able to leave before the police arrived. Thankfully, someone was able to catch a video of the girl and her face."

The news then proceeded to show a bad video of a girl—a normal looking girl— arch her head to the sky. Her arms turned black and stretched out like tar. Without warning her arms shot out and pierced through people as if her arms were daggers. All the while the girl cried.

"Holy s***!" The camera-man shouted. "What the f***!"

The video faded out as the camera-man ran off, and the same news-reporter appeared.

"The police figured out who the girl is--based off sketches, and concluded that the culprit was Esther Murphy."

An image of a blonde girl with tired, gray eyes--yet a storm brewed in them--appeared on screen.

"Esther has been diagnosed with depression and attempted to kill herself on multiple occasions. Her parents consider her to be closed off, and she usually earns Cs in school. If you see this abnormal girl, please report her to the authorities. Back to you Phil..."

"Her." My demon spoke. I covered my mouth realizing I said that outloud.

"What about her?" Sub signed.

"N... nothing... nothing." I look to Denis who stared at the TV.

"She's your clue, Alex."

I rushed into my room and began to pack again. I turned on my monitor and buy a plane ticket to New York.

"Leaving so soon?" Denis leaned against the door way.

"Oh! Denis, it's just you. Yeah... I'm just getting groceries."

"Groceries," He furrowed his eyebrows, "with a suitcase." We don't say anything for a good minute. "Look, dude--"

"I'm going to New York."

Sketch decided to join in, "Why on Earth would you want to go there? There's like mass murder going on there! I'm surprised we're not fleeing the country yet."

"I have my reasons." I walk away, dragging my suitcase along. I'm almost in the car when Denis stops me.

"Ah, ah, ah. You can't drive, Alex."

"Try me."

"1) you have no license. 2) You're not crashing my car on my watch."

"You are not stopping me."  The venomous words dripping from my mouth. "I'm heading to New York, and you're not stopping me."

Denis had an amused look in his eyes. Elijah and Sub looked more worried at my tone. I stare the three down before opening the door. I threw my suitcase in. I proceeded to get in the car. I close the door, but Denis holds the door from moving.

"I'm driving." He glares. His voice strict and harsh. Brown eyes tinted red. I move over to let him in. "You two wanna come along?" He asked Sub and Elijah.

"No way. New York is a death trap right now." Elijah crossed his arms, "We're not going. Right, Sub?"

Sub hopped into the back.

"You're have got to be kidding me." Elijah joins in the cars. "If I die, I'm coming back to haunt you, Alex!"

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