S01: E03 {Crystals}

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We arrived at Denis' house an hour later. It was a simple apartment with nice wooden floors, a small kitchen, two bedrooms, one bathroom, a small living room leading to a rectangular balcony.

"I know it ain't much but it's home." Denis hopped onto the couch. "You can sleep on the couch or in a bedroom. I can always have Sub move in with me."

As if on cue, a sixteen-year-old boy with a green hoodie over his black hair walked in. He waved then signed to Denis. I've seen a kid from the mental hospital use ASL because he was deaf. I knew exactly what Sub was asking: "Who the hell is this?"

"This is..." Denis trailed off remembering that I never said my name.


"... Alex. He needed a place to stay." Denis smiled back to me, "He didn't seem like someone that would hurt someone or that would use drugs."

"I didn't."

"Which one?" Sub signed.

"... Neither... Neither..." I lie.

As if I would stab him, Sub cautiously turned around.

"Oh thank god, you can understand Sub, that makes things so much easier! Oh, and sorry about him. He's the more paranoid of our trio." Denis grabbed the remote.


"Yeah, me, Sub, and Elijah. Elijah's been visiting his parents over the summer though." Denis turned the TV on. "Won't be back for a couple of weeks. Gives you time to settle in." He turns on the news. "We've been needing someone to make our group back to a quadruple."

"Back to a quadruple?"

"Damn, you repeat things too often. Braden used to be with us, but he got in trouble with the police for something stupid— like an overdose or drinking while driving."

"You want me to join your group?" I widen my eyes in disbelief.

"Yeah, dude."

The door slams open, and a boy with golden hair flying everywhere walks in like he owns the place, "I'm back, losers!" His eyes dart to me, "Who the hell are you!"

"'Elijah! I didn't think you'd be back so soon." Denis stood up.

"Yeah, me either. Who the hell is this?"

I was tired of Denis speaking for me. He wasn't my lawyer or anything. I'm perfectly capable to speak my mind.

"Perfectly capable to put Elijah's pretty little head on a spear."  I don't need this. Not now.

I cut off Denis before he could speak. "I'm Alexander Orman." I start, "Denis brought me here because I have nothing. For all that I know, I'm an orphan."

Elijah laughed, "For a second there I thought you'd break out saying something like 'you killed my father; prepare to die.' or something."

I let out an awkward chuckle. What the hell was he talking about. Who killed my father?

"We need to thank them."  No, we don't.

Two months later

I've gotten used to the group. Sub and I talked about our problems— never addressing my beast— and he trusted me more. Denis and I were the ones making dinner and doing work. Elijah and I didn't talk as much, but I knew we were friends.

Denis had a insane idea for our group to go off of— something he and Braden wanted to do a long time ago. He wanted to start a YouTube channel. A gaming channel. One for kids. Dear god, no. Somehow, Denis convinced us otherwise. It would give me a job, and earn us some money. Just enough to support us.

I grudgingly walked into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror. My normal hazel eyes were replaced with... amethyst crystals that seemed to drip with acidity.

"Alexander." My reflection grinned.

"I see you're changing things up a little." I grit my teeth.

"If you had the chance to change a feature of yours once in a while, you'd take the chance. I know you would. After all," He picked up the scissors in the cabinet and pointed to my chest, "I am you."

"You'd also think because I have the ability to snap a grown man's neck as a nine year old, I'd want to do so." I pressure him, but he seems to shake it off.

"Exactly, I'm glad you're getting it."  Its crystal eyes winked.

"Why are you even apart of me? Like a tumor. A parasite."

"I swear to god if you call me a parasite, I'll... I'll..." He smirked, "... I'll rip off all of 'the pals''  heads and see what you think."

"You wouldn't do that. You like them too much."

He gawked at my observation.

"You may know a lot about me, but remember: I know a lot about you. You share my brain. I can interpret that you're a tumor."

"Yes. Yes, but why am I inside your head?"

"I don't know. Care to explain why— and while you're at it tell me how I can snap a grown man's back as a nine year old?! Or commit genocide to a whole school?!"

"I... I, I don't know." He sighed, "I just woke up one day and BAM! I was in your head."

"Did you have a life before or?"

"Nope, I don't remember. I just remember seeing light for the first time and felt like committing suicide and murder." He let out a hearty laugh as a dropped my jaw. "I wanted us dead. You fought back."

"Is that what made you stop trying to kill us?"

"No. I do like a challenger," He looked away then back to me, "but your company made me stay."

Three Weeks Later

I've grown to learn more of my demonic friend. His sadistic, cunning, evil ways. However, I know he's sarcastic, humorous, and very specific with what he likes. He has a fear. A shocker-- amma right? He's afraid of being alone. Like me. It's like my worst nightmare and best dream. We'll never be alone, but at the same time I share a brain with a devilish person!

I uploaded my first youtube video on my channel today: Who's Your Daddy.

"Nice job, guys!" Denis poured sparkling water into wine glasses.

"A toast! To our beloved first video!" Sketch lifted his glass in triumphant.

We all cheered and clicked glasses. I took a sip and stared at the water in my cup. Purple eyes. I glared.

"Alex," I look up to the others. Denis was talking, "You good, dude?"

I look at the glass and see my hazel eyes, "Yeah... yeah. I'm fine."

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