Then all of a sudden we heard a booming voice.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" The voice roared.

"Looks like they found out I wasn't there, I need to transfer my powers," I told Travis.


"Because he can sense my presence. Didn't you hear that in the council room?"

"No . . . but I guess we don't have a choice. If they catch us your death is going to be more painful and I'll be dead!" Travis whispered shouted.

"There's one little thing that might stop us from escaping."

"What is it?"

"Once I perform that spell I will faint because I transferred ALL of my powers."

"I'll find us a way out, you just perform your spell."

"Fine," I took a deep breath in. "With all these powers comes bad consequences, it's time to take them away and give them to the witch I trust the most," I finished the spell and felt dizzy. Everything was slowly going black. I whispered one thing to Travis before I lost consciousness, "Good luck."

~Lucinda's POV~

Where is she?

I was pacing around my living room.

She was supposed to be back four days ago!

Suddenly, I felt a power surge go through me.

Oh no, that can only mean she gave me her powers to hold on to. But why would she need to do that? Is she in trouble?

~Travis's Demon's POV~

Witchy collapsed and I caught her before she hit the ground.

Looks like I have to carry her.

I looked down at her in my arms.

Wow, she looks really . . . pale. Wait, is she alive?

I felt her pulse and everything was fine. I heard the guards running down the hall, looking for her.

I sprinted to the exit and found a black table cloth. I grabbed the table cloth and wrapped it around Witchy.

I ran out the door and frantically looked around for the exit portal. I found the portal after running through the small town. Guards surrounded the portal, I went up to the guards.

"We are on lock down, you can not go through," one guard stated firmly.

It was pretty dark out so it was hard to see me holding anything.

"I came to tell you I saw The Demon Witch run past the castle," I said.


"I'm certain of it." I am going to die when they find out I lied.

"Thank you."

All but two guards headed toward the castle. I looked at the two guards then snapped.

They fell to the ground in an instant. I stepped over them and went through the portal, hitting it on my way out so it deactivated.

SoMEonE iS BeINg bAD.

I got a pounding headache when going through the portal. Everytime someone goes through the portal The King is sent a signal.

I made it through the portal and I turned back into Weakling. Before I left I gave Weakling some of the memories he needs to know.

~Travis's POV~

I gained control again and felt something in my arms. I looked down and saw a girl. Where do I take her?

The memories came flooding back. I set her down gently and a bright light came from her.

She must be changing back to her human form.

The bright light stopped and there, in front of me was . . . Y/n?

Wait, does that mean? Hold up, I need to bring her to Lucinda! But where am I?

~Lucinda's POV~

~One Hour Later~

I don't know what to do! I have been pacing for the past two hours. I didn't know she wouldn't come back.

First day she didn't come back I thought she was just a little late but the next days she didn't come back, I just got more worried.

Is she de-

*Knock Knock*

Who's that?

I walked to my front door then opened it.

"Travis? What are you doi-" I looked at what he was holding in his arms. "Y/n! What happened?!"

"I'll explain to you later but for now I need you to help her," Travis rambled.

"Okay, follow me."

I lead him up to Y/n's room and told him to set her down on her bed.

"Travis, I need to concentrate. Can you please wait downstairs?" I asked him.

"Oh, sure." Travis then left downstairs

I looked back at Y/n and started the spell,
"With all these powers comes bad consequences, return the power that was given to me and renew her health."

I put my hand out and a great big sphere of magic appeared. I used that sphere and put it into Y/n.

She's going to take awhile to recover.


The Demon Witch | Travis ValkrumOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora