Chapter 2: The three

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Rin, Elizabeth, Hikari, and the golden brown haired boy, Aizen Pitchblack, walked together on a field as they greet a few farmers making their way to a giant tree.

Hikari groaned, "I'm getting tired whenever we always have to do this shi-"

"Watch your mouth, young lady" Elizabeth cut her off giving her a glare

"Yes ma'am" Hikari quickly obeyed as she shivered in fear, "But seriously, I'm getting annoyed every time we have to walk here almost everyday to fetch 'her' at the tree house!"

Aizen shook his head, "We have no choice. And besides, you can't just force her to do that. She'll try to kill herself again" he said causing Hikari to smack his head almost making him topple

Then, all of them stopped to see an amazing and beautiful tree house above. It was made out of wood but it had a stone balcony with thin vines almost screening it like a curtain, handmade lanterns floating around, wooden and glass made open doors while butterflies flew around.

"Rosey!" Rin called

It was silent for a moment until, a girl the same age as them walked outside to the balcony while she held a book.

"Oh, hey guys. What's up?" she asked casually

The four rolled their eyes, "It's snack time! And I'm starving!" Hikari complained

"All of us are actually" Aizen added

The girl who's name was Rosey shook her head in amusement, "You guys say that all the time you go here" she smiled placing her book on a coffee table before making her way back inside and climbing down the tree

"Says the one who always comes here everyday and does nothing but read and be ant-social" Rin smirked causing everyone to laugh. Rosey rolled her eyes

"Whatever. But that's not important right now, how did the shopping go, Rin? Hm?" she teased placing her hands on her hips

Rin blushed, "Not-nothing special happened. Just dum-di-dum-di-dum. Hehe" she nervously replied

Then Rosey showed her a dangerous glare, "Don't lie to me Rin. You do know, it angers me when someone DOES that" she warned causing the four to shiver in fear and remember the time when all of them went to go shop for groceries as they ran into a man who began flirting with Rosey. Apparently, the man was married, so he lied to her that day and then ended up at the hospital for a few months.

"Sorry" Rin muttered lowering her head

Rosey gave her a soft look, "It's okay, I understand if you're too embarrassed to talk about it, right?" she smirked once again

Rin blushed before nodding in reply. Rosey laughed, "I told you guys she'll have a fella before Elli can"

Aizen stepped forward, "Correction. She isn't dating anybody yet. So who knows? Sooner or later Elli here" -he gestured at Elizabeth-, "Might get asked out by Jayden"

Elizabeth blushed but then sadly sighed, "Guys, we don't even know he likes me back"

Hikari chuckled flinging an arm around her shoulders, "Elli, don't get your hopes down. I mean, you and him have been best friends ever since he joined the guild. And I highly doubt all those hugs and compliments he gives you aren't normal since he only does that to the ones he cares the most"

Elizabeth blushed again and the rest agreed with grins, except Rosey. At the mentioning of their guild, she became sad and started remembering the time of when they all left their guild.

She forced herself to grin before running forward, "Last one to sit will pray!!!!" she gleefully called out

The group widen their eyes, looked at each other, then followed her, "CHEATER!!!!" they cried as they could now hear her laughs from afar

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