"Okay, I hope your checkup goes well!"

"Thank you! Sorry for talking for so long!" I say and hop onto the train.

I reach the hospital and sign in. I don't know how long they would make me wait, the checkup takes quite long and they make me wait for an eternity so it usually becomes an overnight trip. I sigh at the thought of that. I take out my phone and text my mom to remind her about my checkup. I stretch my arms into the air and decide to go get a bottle of water while I wait the long wait.

I turn the corner and see a girl with pure white hair, she looked like a high schooler just like me, but she was wearing a white hospital gown so she must work here. I wonder what she does...

I walk back into the waiting room and wait for them to call me while I wonder about Todoroki and what I could've done wrong.

After hours of waiting, they finally called me. "(L/n), (Y/n)! Please follow me."

I got up and followed the nurse. As we walk through the hallways, I looked out the window. 'Oh shoot, it's already dark outside...' I think.

I walked into one of the rooms and sat on the bed. "I'll bring Dr. (Doctor's name?) over, please make yourself home, your checkup will probably be an overnight stay again."

I sigh, "I thought it would be, besides, I don't want to head home this late in the night..."

"I apologize for the super long wait..." the nurse apologizes.

"Please don't worry about it, I'm used to it," I say.

The nurse heads out of the room to call the doctor over.

I sit on the bed and I decide to relax, just like I was told. A few minutes later, (D/n) comes into the room.

"How has your scar been? Any reactions lately?"

"Um sometimes I feel it burn, sometimes it stings but that's about it for this month," I say.

"I'm afraid of what happened a few months ago when your scar started to bleed in a weird way from overwork? We still don't know the cause of it, It scares me that we still don't know what's wrong with the scar."

That. The incident that happened a few months ago where I trained so hard to pass the entrance exam of UA, blood started to drip out of my scar. I don't really know what happened but I knew it wasn't good so I ran straight to the hospital without even telling my parents.

"Have you told your parents about this yet?" Dr. (D/n) asks me.

I sigh, (s)he asks me this every single time I come in for a checkup and I have to say no every single time. I shake my head and say, "They get worried super easily so I rather not tell them, we know that it's from overwork, so as I don't overexert my body, I'll be fine. There's no meaning to get people more worried than they have to be."

"(L/n), if you think that they'll get worried, it means you know that it's a big deal,"

I nod and give a sheepish smile, but Dr.(D/n) knew that I wouldn't tell anyone. (S)he simply sighs and continues to run a few checkups. (S)he also makes me run for a while and does a few more checkups to make sure my scar isn't acting weirdly.

"(L/n), I believe that your scar is the most delicate part of your body, so I need you to be careful about it. I think that half the problem is that it's the closest to your veins."

"I'll be careful, thank you for always looking after me," I say.

"No problem, (L/n), sleep early and I'll give another checkup tomorrow morning."

"Okay, thank you again, and good night," I say.

"Good night." (S)he says and closes the door.

It usually takes me an eternity to fall asleep but today was a tiring, long day so I crawled under the blanket and before I knew it, I was asleep.

Todoroki POV

I reach home and I am put under another session of unbelievably hard training. After hours, it finally ended and all that was in my mind was to take a cold shower. After my shower and a light dinner, I went straight to my room to lie down in bed.

'Tch, that stupid dad of mine doesn't know limits...' I think to myself. 'speaking of which, that girl in my class that has a fire quirk, what does she mean she looks up to that piece of crap? She doesn't know anything! All these people that look up to Endeavour and think he's the second best hero know nothing. NOTHING. This is stupid... but it's not like I can do anything about it. I wish at least my training would stop.' 

Fuyumi's POV

'Shoot, I'm out of eggs for tomorrow morning's breakfast... I wonder if anyone's willing to run an errand for me...' I think as I walk down the hall.

The light in Shoto's room was still on. 'Seems like he's awake, maybe I'll ask him... but I feel bad asking him to run me an errand after seeing him train today... I'll take a look and if he seems too tired, I'll go ask someone else...' I think. I sigh. 'Worst case scenario, I can go myself, but I rather one of the guys do it because they barely do anything for the house,'

I slide open the door to Shoto's room

"Hey, Shoto, do you mind running me an errand--" I start to say, but I find him on the bed sleeping. "If you're going to sleep, at least turn off the lights..." I mutter under my breath.

"I," Shoto says.

"Hmm?" I ask but soon I realize that he's only sleeptalking and I have to try so hard not to laugh.

"I'm sorry (L/n)," he says.

I no longer feel the urge to laugh. Who's (L/n)? What did he do on the first day of school? 'I'll ask him tomorrow morning,' I think and turn off the lights and head out of his room.

"Good night, Shoto," I say.

(A/N Thank you for reading this second chapter! I tried to make it slightly longer than the first, but I hope you enjoyed it! I'm so sorry for not updating in so long (Not like anyone's actually reading this fanfic but... T^T) I have a lot of stuff planned so please stay excited! And please check out my other fanfics! Hope to see you next chapter! PLUS ULTRA!!!)

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