Hi I'm...

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As I sit there in the GCPD interrogation room waiting to be questioned I try to think of what to say. I don't want to give away Jerome even tho I don't know him that well.

I don't have long to think because James Gordon and Harvey Bullock walk in.

Jim sits infront of me calmly where as harvey stands beside me. "Why were you with Jerome Valeska?" Harvey shouts.

I was fixing to answer but he slams his hand on the table and yells, "Damnet answer me!" "Harvey calm down she was fixing to talk."

"Ok, one, I do not like being yelled at, and two, whats got your panties in a twist?" I say leaning on the table with my elbows, my hands holding my face.

Jim snickers and I smile.

"Answer the question." Jim says going serious again.

"Uh ok, well I was walking down the street an-"

"Why were you walking on the street at this time of night?"

"Had nothin' better to do. So as I said, I was walking down the street and as I was crossing the road some guy's try to mug me or do worse, but then he showed up-"

"Jerome?" Jim asked.

"No Jiminy Cricket. Yes Jerome. Now, let me finish. He showed up shot the guys, saved my life I might add, then afferd to take me home. So he was walking me home qhwn you showed up." I say bending the truth a little.

"Did he say anything about were he was going, what he was doing?" Harvey asked.

"No he just told me his name and walked me home. Thats it." I say folding my hands together infront of me.

"Ok thanks lucis will show you out." A dark well-dressed man walks me out. "Stay safe kid." He smiles and waves.

"I'll try." I mumbled walking away.

As I turn to face the way I'm walking I bump into someone.

"Sorry." I mumble still looking down.

"No my apologies I wasn't watching were I was going Ither. I'm Bruse Wayne, and you are?" Thats when I finally look up.

Sweet But Psycho // Jerome ValeskaWhere stories live. Discover now