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"Hi gorgeous, I'm Jerome."

I stare up at him for a slit second before standing up. Almost falling over.

"Whatcha doin' doll?" He says following my every move. Still with that wicked smile on his face.

"It's been real but Gotta fly!" I say slowly trying to walk away. Key word: Trying.

Before I could make a run for it he grabed my arm pulling me very close to his chest.

"We're ya goin' beautiful?" He leans forward just enough so that I could feel his breath on my lips.

I freeze up.

Slowly, I feel his hand travel to my mid back.

"I uh have to uh feed my uhh... pteradactal?" Crap really, a pteradactal? I look to the left just staring at the lamp post.

It went dead silent as we stood in the middle of the street. He gently grabed my chin making me face him.

His face serious for a good ten seonds before he started busting into a fit of laughter.

"Oh a pteradactal? Ah I see, I see," He pauses examining my face intently. "Well I guess I'll just have to let you go feed your "pet". But!" He says enthusiastically. "I'll walk you to your house to do so."

I sighed rather loudly. Why? He knows that's a lie. Plus I don't even have a home. Wait ok that sounded rather bad. Uhh... yeah I have no idea how to say it any less uh.. sad?

"I, uhh... ok?" I say it as more of a question than an answer.

"Great! Lead the way sexy!" He exclaimed claping his hand together.

I start walking without a destination. His hands slides down my arm giving me goosebumps. His hand stops at mine and grabs my hand firmly holding it as if I would disappear at any given time.

Just then an idea came to me.

I start toward a random building. Once there I gradually walk up the stairs to a random apartment.

"W-Well here we are. So, uh, I'll  just be going." I say quiet nervously.

He pulls my hand that was still in his grasp to him causing our bodys to collide. He bends down and whispers, "Arn't you going to invite me in?"

My eyes go wide.

"Oh babe, I know this isn't your complex. So tell me, how long have you been living on the streets of Gotham?"


Sweet But Psycho // Jerome ValeskaWhere stories live. Discover now