-Chapter 2-

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It took me few minutes to walk from school to a sketchy bar on the bad side of town. My mom told me to pick up a bottle of vodka and I have a friend who I always see around this bar. When I walked in, everyone's eyes turned to me but this was normal. I glared them all down and walked to the counter and waited.

As usual, the night sky looking bartender asked what I wanted. He was literally matter or space with a helmet and he wore a suit.

"Can I have a big bottle of pineapple new Amsterdam?" I asked. "You know it would be cheaper to go to an actual liquor store right?" A voice I recognized walked up to me. I smiled but ignored him, paying the 27 dollars it costed. The space guy told the man next to me to stop redirecting his costumers. I thanked the bartender and started to walk out to the bar.

When I got to the door a blue haired guy stood in front of me with a detached hand on his face. "You've a pretty face." The guy spoke making everyone in the room look at us. I glared up at him. I'm not afraid of anyone in this room. "And eyes like me."


I glared at him intensely. I felt al ally behind me glaring at him too. This blue haired guy was kind of taller than me but not much being as though I'm 5'6. "If you don't move from in front of this door, this face and these eyes will be the last things you see." I told him a serious threat.

He did a creepy ass smile at me and moved to the side letting me pass. Once I got out of the bar a walked to the cafe that was just down the street 2 blocks away. I enjoy walking in the town but I like being near my house better, I enjoy the salty air there.

"I would like a sweet tea and black coffe please. Oh! And a BLT and tuna melt." I ordered at the front and found myself a table for two.

I was going over the pictures of the notes Izuku took on my phone when I felt another human being sliding in the seat across from me. I smiled and looked up at him. "Dabi!"

Why is none of the heroes doing anything? Are they just going to let him die? Even though she doesn't say it, I know that Hera misses hanging out with Kaachan. When she would hang out with Kaachan she was always being herself and happy. And now she's always stuck babysitting me! I hate it! I hate that I'm so weak! It's my fault! If All Might didn't have to save me, he would've had energy to save Kaachan! It's my fault! But it'll be okay! A real hero will show up soon! A real-

Before I knew it I was running over to Bakugou. I have to save him! No one else is doing anything so i will! I threw my backpack at the mister successfully making him release his hold on Kaachan's face so he could breathe.

"What the hell Deku? What are you doing here!" Bakugou screamed at me. "I don't know!" I screamed back clawing at the yucky goo. I wasn't helping at all and I knew that. But I couldn't just sit back and watch him die.

I don't know what I did what I did. Maybe it was the look on his face. "Kaachan!" I had tears in my eyes. "I couldn't just stand here and watch you die!"

After all might came and saved the day, I got lectured by the police and decided it was time to go home.

On my way home Kaachan ran up to me and started telling me how weak I am and how much he didn't need my help. "Don't think that you can look down on me and don't expect me to want to thank you! You're just a quirkless failure who wouldn't even make it as a rent a cop! Got it? You did nothing! I would've been fine by myself! Don't forget it! I don't owe you nothing!" He stomped away.

What was that?

"Young Midoriya!"

"Didn't I tell you to stop going there?" Was the first thing he told me with a glare. To anyone else it probably looks like he wants to kill me, but that's not the case, he's just worried. "It's a public bar." I laughed. "Yeah, for people 21 and up. Not for little 15 year old girls." He pointed out. I shrugged. He has a point.

"So how've you been?" He asked grabbing the coffee and BLT from in front of me. I shrugged. "It was a normal day today. And today my classmates found out about the offer I got in 8th grade about UA." I bit into my cold tuna sandwich. Ew.

I pointed to it. "You can warm this up right? It got cold waiting for you." I giggled. He squinted his eyes at me. "You do know that my quirk isn't to be your personal microwave?" I shrugged.

"Listen Hera-" Dabi tried to tell me something but I shushed him and stared at the tv in the corner harder.

I saw Katsuki and Izuku on Tv. "Um, Dabi I have to go. Like now." I told him. He looked up at the tv and I think he understood when he saw the kids on tv wearing the same uniform as me. "I can uh, yeah I'll see you tomorrow! Come get me after school." I told him running out the door of the cafe.

Halfway down the street I ran back in and gave him a $10 and a hug. I heard him laugh and I ran faster than I ever do. Considering I'm one of the laziest people I know. I looked around the site and didn't see anyone anywhere. When I decided to just go home and see them tomorrow, I saw Katsuki stomping this way.

I ran up to him and started checking for wounds. Just when I started touching his face he slapped my hands away and I could see the blush on his cheeks. I let out a sigh. "I'm happy you're not hurt." I panted still catching my breath. "I knew you'd come running here that's why I stayed back." He told me. I smiled up at him. "So you wanted to see me huh?" I teased. He instantly turned red. "No! I just don't want to go home and see that old hag!" He spat but I knew he was lying.

He seemed to be happy for someone who almost died. "Where's Izuku?" I asked and his happiness faded away. "Why do you always seem to bring up that loser Deku!" He screamed. I sighed. "Katsuki, you have a quirk, Izuku doesn't. I don't have to worry about you like I do him." I explained and he scoffed. "What type of person do you think I am Zahera! If your boyfriend was hurt don't you think I would've told you! Do you think I'd be asking how your day went if he was dead!" He yelled.

And I stared at him. He was right. Katsuki isn't a bad guy. Despite his anger issues he's a great person. Wait-

"He's not my boyfriend!" I corrected him and my face felt hot. He scoffed. "I'll see you tomorrow dumb ass. And I just saw that loser that way." He pointed behind him.

"Bye Katsuki! And thanks!"

I ran as fast as I could towards where he told me Izuku was. When I saw him I got so happy and I slowed down contemplating on how I was going to praise and scold him but I stopped when I saw THE ALL MIGHT cough and turn into a bony man that I always see at the grocery store. "Toshinori? You're All might? That's cool I guess." I said kind of amazed, kind of ignoring him.

They both froze. When I saw Izuku close I squeezed the death out of him. I then grabbed his shoulders. "Izuku you were awesome! You totally saved Katsuki! You're a hero!" I squeezed him tight. As soon as he put his arms around me though, I squeezed his arms super tight and stared him in the eyes. "But do something that reckless again when I'm not around, and I will kill you myself." I finished with a grin.

He nodded his head super fast but then gasped. "I-it's not what it looks like! This man isn't All-" Toshinori cut him off. "No need Young Midoriya, I trust that Young Sorahiko right here can keep this secret." He grinned. Izuku looked confused but I just shrugged.

"You guys seem like you were having a good conversation so I'll just go now." I told them. "You can listen to what I was going to tell Young Midoriya." Toshinori told me. I shook my head no. "If I want to know anything I can just ask Izuku myself." I told him. "How's-" but I cut him off. "I'll tell my mom you said Hi." I laughed at him blush. He and my mom are also really close friends.

"Hera!" Shouted Izuku. "I'll call you tonight!" He shouted. And I smiled.

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