-Chapter 1-Sorahiko Zahera

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Something that my friend Izuku always tell me is that all people are not born equal. I however always knew this. When we were kids and life was simpler, we found that out the hard way.

When quirks came to be, that started another hierarchy among humans. Now you're bullied if you're weak and you're praised if you're strong. And if you're quirk-less... you're trash.

That's just how society sees it.

I for one couldn't give two hells about a quirk. My life would've actually been easier if I was born without one. If everyone was born without one.

Our childhood was simple until me and Izuku got our quirks. My mom was very poor when I was just born so we used to live with the Midoriya family which consisted of Inko and her son Izuku Midoriya. Us two had many friends until we turned about seven. We were always teased about not having quirks. Most kids inherited theirs around age four.

When age seven came around, we found out that Izuku was quirk-less and I discovered my own quirk, a quirk stronger than most.

Instantly, society tried to push us apart but we were Zuzu and Hera. We weren't going to start hating each other because one of us didn't have a stupid power.

I sat here next to my best friend listening to what this stupid teacher had to say. "I could pass out some career aptitude tests but, why bother?" he paused throwing up all of the freaking tests that I actually wanted to fill out. "I know you all want to go to the hero track!" He yelled making the children go wild.

I rolled my eyes. If he honestly thinks that everyone wants to be hero then he's mistaken.

After making these children excited, he told them how they cannot use their powers during school.

"Hey teach! Don't lump me in with this bunch of losers. I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up as side kicks to some busted D-lister." A very annoying friend of mine spoke as if he were the strongest person to ever walk this earth.

I rolled my eyes a didn't even want to waste my breath telling him off.

The children in the class all were yelling at him as if he couldn't easily beat their stupid quirks. Like come on, your quirk is to make your eyes pop out of their sockets? And Katsuki told them that too. That he'd take them all on.

"Hmmmm, you've got impressive test results, maybe you will get into UA high." The teacher praised and didn't even scold his behavior.

The students went wild and were all chatting about how Katsuki wanted to attend the "best school in the country".

And then he did all this extra stuff standing up on his desk giving the class a speech. I noticed that my best friend Izuku put his head down as if he knew the teacher was going to say something.

"Katsuki, sit down you look like an idiot." I told him and he glared at me and sat down, but stood back up when the teacher couldn't keep his mouth closed.

"Oh yeah Midoriya, don't you also want to go to UA?" Everyone looked our way. My best friend Izuku Midoriya uncovered his face and gulped.

Out of no where everyone in the class started laughing like they were better than him. "There's no way you're getting into the hero course without a quirk!" One guy laughed and my head snapped in his direction. It was taking everything in me not to shut all of these children up.

In my opinion, Even quirk-less, Izuku has enough brains and will power to do better than any of these punks teasing him right now.

Katsuki started to run up to Izuku. Before he could blow up Izuku's desk with his explosive quirk, I grabbed his wrist and held it firmly. He looked up at me with hatred in his eyes. "Let the hell go of me." He spat. I refused but didn't say anything. The class got quiet and the teacher cleared his throat. Now he decides to say something?

"Um Sorahiko Zahera, you also want to attend UA too right?" He asked as if the first time he asked someone if they were going to UA, it don't almost start a fight. Everyone around me started whispering.

I rolled my eyes at sat down ignoring his question all together. "Katsuki go sit down." I told him and was happy to see him oblige.

"Actually, didn't you get a invitation to attend last year? Why didn't you accept?" The teacher just couldn't shut up. My eyes widened. "Dude shut up-" I was cut off by none-other than an explosion. "AN INVITATION LETTER!" Katsuki was about to blow up. Literally.

No one knew about this letter other than Izuku, another friend of mine and this idiot teacher. And now all of these 25 idiots know and by tomorrow everybody and they mother will. Izuku looked at me and his eyes were wide. He never knew that I turned down the invitation to keep on learning here. To be honest, it is not everyone's business.

Class went by and the bell soon rang. My head snapped over to Izuku. I grinned sheepishly seeing that he didn't look at all sad. Everyone was walking out of the classroom and talking. Still surprised that I got excepted into the best hero school, I heard my name a couple of times. Izuku was checking his phone, mumbling about how he has to take notes.

"Are you really going to ignore me?" I asked him raising my eyebrow and pinching my earlobe. He looked up at me who was standing in front of his desk. He turned red. "N-no Hera! I just totally forgot something that happened this morning and I kinda want to write it down. I swear I'm not upset about earlier! I kind of already knew that you turned down the offer to go to UA in 8th grade." He mumbled at the end. "I'm sorry, I hope I'm not the one who held you back into not going." He looked down giving me full view of his soft green hair. I sighed and grabbed his face and tilted it towards me. "Don't look down when talking to someone. No matter what, you should never be ashamed of the words that are coming out of your mouth if you mean it." I looked into his green eyes. "And I didn't not go to that school because if you." I paused and watched his eyes have an internal battle from being happy or sad. "I rejected the offer because I wanted to attend UA the same time you are so that we can be heroes together." I grinned at him pulling his cheeks into a grin.

Finally getting over the hard talk, Izuku found himself turning red and us both laughing. I looked out the window and swore. "I can't walk with you Zuzu. I said that I'd be somewhere." I apologized. He nodded and grinned. "That's okay. I have to write these notes anyway." He scratched his head.

I snapped my fingers. "That reminds me" I said and pulled out my phone and went through his notes taking pictures of every page.

"You always forget to send me the pictures and i guess this was the perfect opportunity. The quirk we saw this morning was real cool." I thought back to the giant lady hoe. Too bad it was gifted to her.

"Bye Zuzu." I hugged his tiny frame again and ran out into the hallways and saw Katsuki. "Katsuki." I greeted. He and I used to be real close. I was friends with him even before he met Izuku. His mom and mine are good friends. He scoffed. "Thirty minutes ago you were glaring at me and now we're being civil." He said witch a glare. I rolled my eyes. "That's because the only time that you are civil is when you're not around Izuku." I told him. "Then why the hell are you always around Izuku!" He all but screamed. "You chose him over me!" I don't have time for his childishness.

I pinched my earlobe and then the bridge of my nose. "I didn't chose anybody over anybody but I'm not going to sit here and watch you bully, and tear him down. He never did anything wrong to you. I'll see you." I ended this whole conversation because I have somewhere to be.

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