Chapter 1

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~~~~Dan's POV~~~~~

Phil and I were in Phil's car, rushing to get to a costume party we were invited to earlier last month that we were running a little late for. Now I can't say this was Phil's fault, since I spent 15 minutes rolling around on my bed, complaining about how I had other responsibilities, like caring for Dil Howtler, our virtual son, to go to a party. Then I took another 10 minutes putting on my costume,(I was going as a skeleton), and 2 minutes cramming a half a sandwhich in my mouth. It then took 3 minutes for Phil to sucessfully drag me out the door and into the passenger side of his car, and now here we are, half an hour late to the party, and still 5 minutes away from our destination. Eventually we pull up to this fancy-ass hotel where i guess the party would be held and walk in. The outside was decorated with fake cobwebs and dangling skeletons and ghost projections, and the doorholders were these two guys dressed in identical torn and dirty clothes with zombie makeup on. After those doors were another pair of doors with two muscular guys, both bald and wearing jeans and black t-shirts with "Security" written on the front. This party was so A-List the guy on the left asked for our names and checked off on this clipboard that magically appeared out of nowhere. Now I'll admit it, I felt a bit like a suave movie guy walking in, and it was worth the judgemental look from Phil. The first party-goers to greet us were Tyler and Troye, grinning from ear to ear, Tyler's arm around Troye's waist. I raise my eyebrows and say "Cannon."

I didn't think it was possible for their smiles to get any bigger, but sure enough they did. They nodded their heads and replied "Cannon" before wishing us a happy Halloween and walking off towards the Holy Trinity, who were seated at a bar dressed in their signiture onesies, taking shots. Zalfie, Janya, Caspar and Joe were seated on some couches off to the right, playing a game of Truth or Dare. We joined in for awhile and witnessed Zoe lick Tanya's foot, Caspar kiss Joe on the cheek, and Jim and Alfie play Gay Chicken, which was very amusing. We wandered around and found Connor, Louise and Louis bobbing for apples, Shane and Joey vlogging and Chris and PJ playing Luigi's Haunted Mansion on a large flat screen tv off to the left. We joined the crowd at the bar, where there was a shot competition
being held. Phil impressively downed 49 before smartly declining a 50th.

The last thing I can remember with certainty before the alchohol got to my brain was the little... run in, we had with Chris and PJ towards the end of the party. And by run-in, I mean they were soberly hitting on us. By us I mean Phil.

So Chris and Phil were sitted on a couch across from PJ and I, and for some reason PJ couldn't go 2 seconds wihout admiring the fact that Phil's shirt really brought out his eyes, (I mean, it did, but he didn't have to go pointing it out). It got to the point where I not-so-subtly elbowed Peej in the ribs, earning a glare from him and a look of disappointment from Phil, as if I was the one hitting on him and not PJ. Things settled down for a bit until Chris starts using more hand motions when he talks, and when he finishes speaking, places his hand on Phil's thigh, or his leg, or his... yeah, he went there once. And never again, cause the second his fingertips touch the fabric, I flip the coffee table between us over, spilling hot cider and chocolate all over Chris' pants and shoes. PJ immediaely stands up and punches me in the jaw, none too kindly, I return the favor, kicking behind his knee. Security comes storming in and throwing Chris and PJ out the door, somehow leaving me be. Phil and I stood by the window, watching our two 'friends' walk away. Just as they reach PJ's car, Chris turns around and his eyes are hard, veins appearing and his eyes turn a different color completely, to a firey orange. PJ faces us in turn and snarls, revealing two abnormally long top incsiors, as sharp as a needle, protruding from his upper gum. Now I was convinced that I was drunk, but the horrified look on Phil's face and the events that take place tomorrow lead me to believe maybe it was real...


So that's chapter 1! Hope you enjoyed, if you're reading this. Chapter 2 coming soon :)

So I'll just leave my social links below:

Twitter: @darling_lyss

Instagram: @darling_troyler_phangirl_5sos

Tumblr: @darling-troyler-phangirl

Thank you so, so much for reading!



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