Chapter 14, Dating, permitted.

Start from the beginning

Looking around, she found the room was an odd mixture between the classical Focrain style of the main resort.

With tatami mats for the flooring. A bamboo sliding door and yet, there stood a normal desk chair and a large solid mahogany desk with two normal chairs opposite to Matthew.

A little nervously Marie stood in the door opening and was ushered farther into the room and she nervously stepped two steps farther in.

Turning in shaking motion, she closed the door.

Her body trembled from the pure nervousness she experienced now.

"What is it Marie? Is something the matter?" He asked and she simply stood trembling like a leaf in the room. Not speaking, simply mumbling incoherently.

"I-I-I... u-uh-hm... I w-w-wou-oul-d l-l-..." She stood stammering immensely as she spoke, but Marie's body language spoke more than she let on to Matthew.

"What is it Marie, we've been friends since we were kids. Just say it." Matthew said frankly and Marie blurted out, shouting at the top of her lungs.

"I would like to work here and become your wife!" She had shouted that and stood panting afterwards.

Resting her hands on her bare knees under the hem of the skirt she wore.

"W-wait... what?" Matthew asked confused.

"Wh-wh-what have I done?!" Marie exclaimed and Matthew burst into laughter.

But no sooner had he made up his mind and did Claire and Camila come storming into the room.

"Then we'll be your wives as well!" They both shouted, Claire's breath heaving as a thin layer of sweat lined her forehead.

Camila however, stood strongly, making clear she had a far better constitution in comparison to the bunny girl.

"Eh?" Marie said in confusion at the outburst from the other two.

"Camila, I thought you hated my guts, at least you make a rather poorly convincing show of it 'supposedly' being like that." Matthew said and turned to the fox as she stood, her long bushy red tail swishing left and right.

"I-i-it's not like I like you specifically... B-b-but I w-w-wouldn't m-mind if it w-we-re... ... ... ..." And she trailed off talking, her voice rapidly losing volume until it became inaudible quickly.

"Well that just happened... I always held myself to be monogamous like my parents. I guess fate had other plans for me." Matthew muttered later that day.

Camila and Claire had claimed they would be his girlfriends as of now. Right after Marie had exclaimed her love for him.

And she had exclaimed it for sure, she had shouted her declaration of love so loudly that it had left her panting, and the other two storming that way to intervene.

But in his attempt to soothe the three women, Matthew had, not entirely unwillingly, accepted their proposal of dating all three of them.

"I just hope I don't end up getting even more homestays dumped on me." Matthew said and Claire's voice called for him from the lobby, just outside his office.

"Sweetie! There's a phone call for you." She called, instantly having taken to pet names for him. Camila had not done so and kept calling him by the same name Marie did, 'Matty'.

"Coming." Matthew replied with a sigh and slid back his chair to rise to his feet.

"The Exotic Sunside, you're speaking with the manager, Matthew Johnson. How may I help you?" Matthew said, taking the phone from Claire.

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