"I've been doing work experience of a weekend with my dad's firm. Not fun at all."

"That's really good though, it will look great on your uni application."

"I sure hope so," he says dryly. "It's not enjoyable, believe me."

"I should have just met you here," I point out as we head out of town. "It's out of your way picking me up."

He shrugs. "I wanted to. Besides, I know the way here. I don't mind cruising around Alwood though. It's a nice place."

I was relieved when he suggested dinner out of town. I know Jake would somehow track us down and make things complicated if it was somewhere close by.

We arrive at an Irish pub. I raise my eyebrows. "Irish pub?"

"It has the best food," he assures me. "And cool music."

When we walk inside, Rhett places his hand on my back gently and I jerk away from him in surprise. He startles and drops his hand to his side.


"No, no, don't be," I quickly say. "Sorry. Simply not used to public affection," I laugh. "I like it, though."

"Okay," he smiles but doesn't reach out again. We enter and the guy at the counter sticks a pen behind his ear and grins at us. "Reservation for Johns."

"Aw, you made a reservation?" I grin.

"Yeah," he laughs. "So, I'm glad you didn't cancel."

"Over in the corner there, fella's. Enjoy!" the long-haired man says.

It has a chaotic vibe to it in here. The music is loud, every table is taken over by groups of people and the lights are so dim you can't see across the room. It's so warm that I've already shed my jacket by the time we get to our table.

"Sorry, I didn't really think about the noise when I booked it," he apologises, quickly hurrying to my side of the table to pull the chair out for me.

I blink down at his outstretched hand. "You really are a gentleman."

"I try," he grins.

"Wait, so am I the girl in the 'usual' date cliché?" I question with an arched eyebrow.

He laughs. "No, but I organised the date, so I'm the one that's supposed to do the nice things."

"It was my idea though," I challenge.

"You can have your turn next time," he teases and I feel a hot flush creep up my neck at the idea of there being a 'next time'.

It's strange how this is so normal. Going on dates doesn't seem that big of a deal, until I met Jake. Everything seems like a big deal with him. Nothing is simple. I mentally shake myself. No. I'm not thinking of him tonight, he doesn't deserve my attention. Rhett does.

I glance up, to see Rhett watching the band, a cute, boyish smile on his face. His elbow is resting on the back of his chair. The neon lights flash over his dark skin, making his eyes appear a few shades darker and his teeth a bright white. He really is quite attractive. We're very different looking guys, but I think that's a good thing. His chest is broad and well-defined, showing off his good figure. He looks like he works out a lot, which makes me feel a little self-conscious that I don't. I'm lean because I run a lot. I don't think I'm too lean, but I feel it when I'm with Rhett.

"I love this band," he yells over the table at me. "I've seen them a few times. They play really great cover songs."

"I think I've seen a Facebook video of them," I agree, glancing over to them. "They're cool."

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