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I was awoken by a soft knock at my bedroom door. I look over to my foster sister and see her still asleep, I sigh as I get out of bed and open the door while rubbing my eyes.

"Hey, Stella, I have great news." Ms. Carpenter says with a happy smile on her face.

"Yeah?" I yawn.

"A nice couple is looking to adopt a teen girl, and they want to meet both you and Leanne." She informs. Leanne is sweet girl in the room next to mine and I honestly hope she gets adopted soon. But if they want to choose between us two it's a competition.

A bright smile forms on my lips. "Really? You mean I could be adopted?" I ask excitedly.

"If the interview goes well." She smiles.

"I could have a mom and dad soon." I start day dreaming.

"Well, not a mom." She informs.

"Wait, wha-" realization hits me "oh, two dad's!" I say excitedly.

"Shut it!" My roommate Karla shouts from inside the room.

"Sorry." I whisper as Ms. Carpenter chuckles.

"You have an interview with them tomorrow, just thought I should let you two know ahead of time." She smiles at me.

"Thank you." I say before she leaves my room.

I sigh and close the door to my room before rummaging through the drawers to find an outfit for the day. I decide on black ripped skinny jeans that I ripped my self, an All Time Low T-shirt, a beanie, and my fake, off brand converse. I quickly get changed while Karla is still asleep before waking her up. "Time for breakfast." I say before exiting the room. I walk down the stairs and take a seat at the table.

"No hats on at all he table." Ms. Carpenter says as she pulls the beanie off my head, causing my, freshly brushed, hair to fly everywhere.

I run my fingers through my blonde hair, trying to smooth out the static mess atop my head. "What's for breakfast?" I ask as the other foster children join us, sitting at the table.

"Bacon and eggs." She informs.

"It smells really good." I compliment politely as I roll my beanie into a cilander and press it between my knees.

"Thank you." She says.

After breakfast I decide to talk to Leanne. "Hey," I say as I lean on her door frame.

"Oh hey." She smiles.

"Did Ms. Carpenter tell you the news?" I question happily.

"Yeah, I'm so excited to meet them tomorrow." She informs excitedly.

"Me too, I really want to have parents for once." I chuckle.

"Wouldn't it be amazing?" She day dreams.

"Yeah, especially with the holidays coming up." I explain.

"Oh my God I haven't even thought about that!" She squeals in excitement.

"I wonder if it's like the movies." I question.

"Or better." She says happily.

"Hopefully better." I nod.

"Yeah." She agrees.

"No hard feelings if they choose you over me." I say sticking out my hand.

"Same for you." She smiles as she grabs my hand and shakes it.

We go our separate ways after that. I spend the rest of the day listening to music only stopping to eat lunch and dinner. Luckily today was Saturday so I didn't have school. I knew I had a little bit of homework but I honestly didn't care enough to do it at the moment.

"Lights out." Ms. Carpenter dollars through the hallway at nine thirty P.M. just like every night. I change into my pajamas and get into bed, excited for tomorrow.

I wake up at nine A.M. the next morning and start rummaging through my clothes. I pick out another pain of black skinnier jeans and a black and white Palisades T-shirt. After putting the outfit on I put on a pair of white socks and my black and white off brand converse style shoes.

I wake up Karla and run down stairs to eat breakfast. "Morning." I say to Ms. Carpenter as I sit down at the dining table.

"Good morning." She says as she continues cooking. "You ready for your interview?" She asks.

"Yeah!" I say excitedly.

She chuckles at me, "I'm sure Leanne is too." She mentions.

"Probably, but I really hope they pick me." I say as Karla enters the room.

"Well, if they do, I'll miss you so much." She says sadly.

"I'll miss you too." I reply softly.

Eventually everyone comes down stairs and joins us for breakfast. We all sit around the table talking until Ms. Carpenter ushers the kids up stairs so that e can have peace during my interview. I stay downstairs to help Ms. Carpenter with the dishes. We both stop when there's a knock at the door. "Go wait in the living room." She smiles at me. I nod my head before leaving as she walks to the door. "Ah, you must be Alexander and Rian." I here her muffled voice through the walls as she invites the couple inside.

She walks into the room followed by none other then Alex and Rian from All Time Low. My eyes nearly fall out of my skull as my jaw opens so wide in shock I swear it nearly unhinged like a snake.

"Stella?" Ms. Carpenter questions in concern.

"I thought you-" I cut my self off in shock and confusion, "what?" I ask.

"Do you know these two?" She asks looking between the couple and I.

"Yes, well uh no, not personally but I know of them." I say. "They're famous!" I nearly shout.

"Hush you're going to disturb to the others." She informs.

"Sorry." I say as a much more normal volume.

"Well you already know who we are, that's cool." Alex smiles.

"Take a seat." Ms. Carpenter offers the couch across from me politely.

"Oh, thank you." Alex says as he takes a seat. Rian follows suit, still not having said a word.

"I thought you were-" I can't even finish my sentence.

"Straight? Yeah so does everyone else." Rian finally pipes up.

Alex raises his left hand to reveal a golden wedding band. "Woah." I say in awe.

"Okay, so here is Stella's file, it has everything you need to know on a technical basis." Ms. Carpenter explains as she hands Alex and Rian my file. "This interview is more of a way to get to know her and make sure she's comfortable with you two before adoption." She explains.

"Thank you." Rian says politely as he opens up the file.

Rian skims through it as Alex turns to me. "What's your favorite band?" He asks.

I think for a moment before answering. "Set It Off." I smile.

"Ouch, brutally honest." He laughs.

I shrug, "I'm not a liar."

"A good quality." He smiles. "On a scale of one to 10 how much do you like All Time low?" He asks.

"Ten thousand." I respond.

"That's a lot." He replies with a laugh, "what about Set It Off?" He asks.

"Ten thousand and one." I reply.

"A close second, I can work with that." He nods jokingly.

They both continue asking me random questions for the rest of the time allotted. We get to know each other very well and I get a really good feeling about this.

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