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Your POV

Your eyes flutter open to see your at the school nurse."Darling!Your awake!"Says the nurse as she walks over to you,"A group of lovely boys brang you up after you were beaten up. The people who beaten you are up in the office Darling."Says the nurse again.  You nod and sit up on your and think about everything she just said,Boys?you question."You can go home I already called your parents about it saying you'll be home late."The nurse says dragging you out of your thoughts. You stand up and she gives you your backpack.

You step through the front door to be greeted by your Father and Step Mother,making out on the couch. You sigh quietly and tip toe up the stairs to your room. You shut your door quietly once your in and put your bag on your bed,took your shoes off and then went over to your desk. You turn on your computer and go into the game GTA5. You join a lobby and then your ears are blasted with laughing. You stay quiet but when there's a pscho like laugh you yelp and they all stop laughing and look at your character. "Hello!"Asks the Delirious guy. A owl guy and a pig guy walk over to you,and the pig says"Are you are dude but you dress as a chick like 407?"You stay quiet and then decide to reply"No I'm certain I'm a female,last time I checked I was."You say with a hint of sassy in there."Oh my gwob!Your a real female!?AHHH!"Yells the one called 'Mini Ladd'. You giggle and then the Delirious guy gos "Awwww!!!" They all start laughing including you as well.

You've been friends with the guys for awhile now.
Your not afraid to talk heaps around them cause they don't know your a mute in real life and a freak.
Around them you feel happy and can be yourself.
The thing though is,
They think your perfect saying you probably have beautiful eyes,lovley locks,and wonderful facial features,great personality and probably cute. Well you are all that but your also scars,cuts,bruises,scratches,saddness, depression,lack of vocal cords. But around them you don't think of yourself like that you think of yourself as happy,joyful,funny and lots of things.

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