4 - Proof that the earth is flat

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"Why would he be so mean? we were together for YEARS and I know he loved me, why would he throw it all away??" Louis sobbed.

"It's gonna be okay, Louis. He just seems to be in a really dark place right now." Kendall tried to comfort him.

" Yeah, I completely agree. Ever since he started believing in that flat-earth crap, he hasn't been the same. It's got nothing to do with you." Taylor added.

"it's just that... I thought what we had was real. I thought it was special. I don't want him to ruin his life over some stupid theory."

"Don't worry, I think after his and Kendall's conversation the other day, all of this will soon be over."

"What do you mean? What conversation?"

"Oh right, you weren't there. Well, I asked how the earth rotates around the sun because I always forget and people online seem to think I'm stupid when I'm really not, so I wanted to make a post on Instagram about it. After I asked the question, harry said something along the lines of 'oH nO tHe eArTh dOeS NOT rOtAtE aRoUnD ThE SUn!!!!!' and that's how they started to discuss that he's wrong."

"Yup, and I then asked him to prove to me that the earth's flat and he happily accepted the challenge." Kendall announced.

"Well, I certainly wouldn't call that happily, but it sure looked like he thought he could succeed." Taylor replied.

"Wait, so does that mean that if he can't prove to you that the earth's flat, he's not going to believe it himself anymore? He'll finally be normal again?" Louis asked with a slight spark of hope in his eyes.

"I guess so" Kendall affirmed him.

The three continued talking to each other, telling jokes and making fun of Harry's beliefs. When they finally reached Louis' apartment, Taylor and Kendall waited for him to enter to know he's safe and after that, they each went to their own homes.

By now it was about midnight on a Wednesday and everyone was sleeping, meanwhile Harry was wide awake. He thought what he was doing was way more important than sleep, so he fully committed to it.

He kept his lights on and made himself some tea, before getting to work. Harry opened his laptop and clicked on Google.

'proof that the earth is flat'

67.100.000 results in 0,53 seconds.

"Well, well, well, let's see what you'll think of that Kendall." he thought to himself. Not only was he happy, but seeing so many people agree with his thoughts astonished him.

His astonishment was, in fact, justified, as there were dozens of websites with alleged 'proof' that the earth just  had  to be flat. From 'flatearthsienceandbible' to -

 "Wait a minute" Harry  muttered. He had now realized that 'flatearthscienceandbible' was really the only website that actually was serious about all of this flat earth stuff and the other ones, at least the websites on the first page of Google, were all just making fun of Flat-Earthers, providing proof that the earth is round and mocking people who think otherwise.

Slowly but surely, anger built up inside of him. Was he really one of the few people that were able to see the truth? Was he one of the few that didn't fall for all those lies that everyone, from his friends and family to the TV and radio, told him? Harry completely refused to spend even a second thinking of whether he could be wrong and he was now even more keen on proving to everyone that he was right all along, Kendall ( and Louis after what he's said on the phone) being the first people he"wanted to destroy with facts and logic."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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