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"Each day is a gift to embrace and welcome." -Karen Hackel -

Among the visitors Jonnet received during her first full day in hospital were wives of stockmens whom she and her aunt had got to know. They brought her fruits and flowers, and magazines to keep her busy.

Nicholas came before lunch, bringing her aunt with him, but when he came later, he was alone.

Aunt Rose was resting, he told Jonnet, but she would be over in the evening.

"I expect she's very tired." Jonnet spoke dejectedly, because of her guilt.

"I suppose everyone's very tired." Nicholas stood by her bed, looking down at her face. Her lovely golden hair covering the whole pillow, her big eyes clouded and her lips quivered. "I feel so blameworthy - Nicholas, I want to go home - back to South Africa!"

She obviously couldn't stick around when Nicholas would unleash his anger towards her, about going off like that, when in fact she had been told along with her aunt, about the dangers of guests going out alone.

"You want to leave here?" Jonnet nodded, turned away from his gaze.

"Yes, Nicholas, I do want to leave.' No sense in retracting and suppressing the heavy thoughts of leaving him behind.
I've enjoyed being here, and I do thank you for having Auntie and I, but I think we should of leaving soon."

A silence followed, profound and long.

"Have you talked with your aunt about this?' He inquired after awhile and, when she shook her head, 'She's very happy here, Jonnet. I don't think you should insist on leaving until she herself is ready to go. After all it might be her last holiday that she will have, I gather she isn't too well."

She turned then to examine his face, it did seem that he genuinely wanted them to remain at Bali Creek for some time. It was hard for Jonnet to believe he had said, on their arrival, that she, Jonnet, was not welcome. That Nicholas had changed his attitude since then was evident, but what had caused the change was not so evident.

"I guess you're right." said Jonnet, but with a deep sigh accompanying the words.

"You gave me the impression that you liked being here?" Nicholas drew up a chair and sat down. "Why have you suddenly changed your mind?"

She shrugged a little helplessly.

"It must be to how I'm feeling at present. It was wrong of me to go off like that, I feel that I've disgraced myself."

Nicholas smiled, much to Jonnet's surprise.

"Or maybe you're afraid of what I might say to you, later, when you're fully recovered?" Nicholas leant back in his chair, his gaze taking in every lovely aspect of her features.

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