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Ripping the band - aid off

'Come in.'

"Auntie, are you feeling better? I haven't wakened you, have I?"

"No, dear, I wasn't sleeping." She looked at her niece with deep anxiety in her pale blue eyes. "Jonnet .. oh my dear child, you've no idea how greatly I regret having brought you here. Has - has Nicholas told you anything about himself?"

Jonnet put on bright smile.

"He told me he's engaged to be married. "

Her Aunt looked at her in astonishment. "You don't appear to be in the least upset about it?"

"No, I'm not." Jonnet glanced away. "It's strange isn't it, Auntie, how we keep an image in our minds for years, believing the image will never change, that it will still be the same if and when we encounter it again? Having met Nicholas again after all this time I find I'm not attracted to him anymore, not in the least. "

Aunt Rose stared from where she laid on the bed. "Are you speaking the truth?" She asked suspiciously after a awhile, and without hesitation Jonnet nodded her head.

"It's just - Just gone, Auntie. I like Nicholas, but that's about all." Aware of her aunt's keen regard, Jonnet turned her face and managed to look in her in the eyes.

"What a relief! exclaimed Aunt Rose, and gave a heartfelt sigh.

'You've no idea how I've been since learning that Nicholas is engaged - He mentioned it after you'd left us, and I felt quite sick with guilt, Jonnet, believe me, since it I who insisted you come here and see just how Nicholas was after all this time. You see, I believed somehow, that he too would have still be in love. I couldn't come down to lunch, I couldn't face you at that time. However, as you're recovered there's no reason for me to worry about my conscience.'

She paused a moment, frowning thoughtfully. "It's a pity, though, for you're both such nice people. I do hope this fiancèe of his will make a suitable wife for him."

"He wouldn't have chosen her had he not been sure of that, Auntie."

"No, I suppose not. Oh, well - ' with a shrug as she sat up and patted her hair. ' we're here now, so we might as well enjoy ourselves."

Jonnet looked affectionately at her

"It was all for me, wasn't it?' She said. ' you're very sweet Auntie. I'm glad I've got you."

Her Aunts voice was a little emotional as she responded, "I'm glad I've got you my dear.' But then she show added, 'all the same, I'd be far happier if I knew you were settled, for I shan't be here always. When we get back home you really must look around for a nice husband. I expect you will, now that you've discovered you don't love Nicholas anymore. "

Jonnet merely nodded obligingly and turned away to the door

"I'm going for a walk,' she said, forcing a smile.' I'll see you at tea time."


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