chapter 3(edited)

Start from the beginning




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"Go to sleep you mother fucking bitch!!"laughing i stabbed the man right on his ribs,he cried and scream in pain.Good for him

I was stabbing his legs and arms multiple times until they became a bloody mess around me

His cries stopped

He was still alive but i don't care,i took the scalpel Ej gave me and cut open the mans stomach to take his kidney,heh i love that gore site i was watching maybe it isn't that bad but damn i didn't had gloves with me or something

The man left his last breath and lie there on the bloody bed with his eyes almost open,hm something was missing

Oh yeah

I grabbed my knife and made a beautiful smile on his face

"I made you fucking beautiful thank me later"i laughed and climbed out of the window i gave to the man a middle finger then i landed on the roof for the last floor.This man lives on a big ass house

The kidney was on a small bag,i will put it on a jar later,well then that was nice....

i was humming a song while enjoying the site of the forest,at night its quite and nice walk here,creepy?Yes but i don't care for some spooky forest

What time is it?EJ told me that he would see me at 2 am

Well to visit me with a not-so-friendly-purpose but just to take his stupid kidneys,i looked up at the sky,it was all black no stars or moon to give down here some source of light.

"Argh!"Pain!I fell down to the forest ground on my knees, don't tell me the wound opened

I removed quickly the bandage and wow i jinxed it--the wound was open again

"Argh damn it!"My hand was bloody from it and got up,the pain was burning my leg but i could take it

Don't be a cry baby Jeff!Its a deep bite from a ugly ass dog!It could be worse you know

My 'house',i saw it and finally about time!

Before i could take a step a hand,more like a black glove covered my mouth and pulled me back
My adrenaline hit me,i bit his hand hard and i kicked the attacker's leg.He let go of me and i prepared to stab him or kick him in the no no square many times.I was going to kill that bitch until

"Aw Jeff!its me!"The voice was familiar,i turned around to see the asshole-i mean EJ,what the actual fuck!?Did he had a death wish!?

"What the fuck was that for jackass!?!"i screamed on his face until i swore the whole forest could hear us

Ej cleared his throat and took a step away"I wanted to test your fighting skills"

I laughed then hold my knife even more tighter out of anger "Test my fighting skills?!What do you think i am?A weak girl?!You are speaking right now to the infamous Jeff The Killer!"

"Did you brought my kidneys?"he asked softly

Oh yeah i brought them but i am going to give him something extra

"Yep they are here!Oh wait i want to give you something!Stay there"

He gave me a confused look "wha-"

I ran to him and kicked him in the balls without mercy,the pain was still on my leg but i don't give a fuck

A pitchy yell came out from him"OWWW!Why did you do that!?"He was on his knees and holding his area embarrassed

With a chuckle i said"To test your durability oh and...your kidneys for today"

I throw the bag on the ground near him"i wanted to put them on your jars on my place but looks like you wanted to put them yourself"

My knife was back at my hoodie pocket and i walked to my place,i was about to get in

"Jeff"he stood up

"I am sorry-"


I slammed the door behind him rudely, ugh my nerves!
I could still hear him

"Damn i screw it"he said

Oh yeah he did


AUGUST 4 UPDATE:Woohooo yeah i edited this one!

Jeff the killer x Eyeless jackWhere stories live. Discover now