Start from the beginning

Demons are servants of Lucifer who follow his plan as both his emissaries and torturers of the souls in Hell. Demons are created from the accumulated misery and darkness born from the destruction of human souls. They are universally malign and immoral in their actions and dealings. Incapable of love or compassion, these beasts seduce and manipulate humans to fulfil what they believe is Lucifer's grand plan. In truth, most demons only serve the will of a demon prince.

As disembodied spirits, demons require human vessels to walk naturally upon the Earth. Monsters need that the humans will be broken or weakened somehow. As such, demons will whisper and taunt a potential vessel into docility and emotional instability to secure their possession.


A dwarf is a humanoid creature originating from Germanic mythology

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A dwarf is a humanoid creature originating from Germanic mythology. They are short, stout beings that dwell underground and within mountains. They look very similar to humans, but they only stand at half the average human height. Their faces are usually hidden behind thick, bushy beards; even dwarven females grow beards and telling the genders apart can be tricky since both appear and behave similarly.

Dwarves are famed for their industry. As creatures of the earth, their livelihood comes primarily from mining precious minerals and performing incredible feats of engineering and stoneworking. They possess great strength and do not tire as quickly as humans. Their lives are spent primarily underground, having hardened them into perfect labourers and warriors.


An elf is a type of supernatural being in Germanic mythology and folklore

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An elf is a type of supernatural being in Germanic mythology and folklore. Early elves, whose description depends almost entirely on Norse mythological texts, were a race of beings with magical skills, ambivalent towards humans and neither inclined towards helping or hindering them. But Christianized societies were viewing elves in an increasingly sinister light.

Old English medical books in Anglo-Saxon England as early as the 10th century attests to elves afflicting humans and livestock by "elf-shots." The German elf or alp was seen as an "addler" of people in medical books. Still, already in the High Middle Ages, there were prayers warding against it as the agent causing nightmares, and eventually, for the alp, its identity as nightmare spirits became predominant. In English literature of the Elizabethan era, "elves" became conflated with the "fairy" of Romance culture, so the two terms began to be used interchangeably. Romanticist writers were influenced by this (mainly Shakespearean) notion of the "elf" and re-imported the word elf in that context into the German language.

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